I have mentioned I have a routine that I keep and I try to stick by that as much as possible to keep some normalcy. I don't like being trapped inside and feel as though fresh air and movement are keeping me as sane as possible in times like that. I am trying to do things that make me happy and keep me busy, but after a while, the reality of what's going on the world seeps in and is hard to swallow. I know none of this is permanent and eventually things will go back to normal, so if this keeps people healthy and safe, then it's what we have to do.
(Day 29) April 14: This morning I went over to Athletico because I have been curious about any improvements I've made over this time regarding my knee bending. Although physical therapy has been open, I have opted not to go to avoid exposure to more people and surfaces. I've walked past Athletico multiple times on my walks and wave to my PTs through the windows and it's always nice to see their smiling faces. I've been taking longer walks and doing some bending exercises at home and really thought that my self-bending has increased and I wanted to get measured and also see if I could finally do one revolution on the bike. I figured if I could do that, I may be able to start taking low-stakes bike rides. The PT let me know a time when no one else would there so I could come in. We both wore masks while she was near me and measuring. I was so confident getting on the bike, but alas, I could not make a full revolution yet. I'm not going to lie, I was bummed. I really thought I was going to be able to. When pedaling backwards I was really close at going around all the way, but going forward was definitely not happening.
When the PT measured my knee, I got to almost 74 degrees by myself which was a huge improvement. Huge. When I stopped going there when lockdown began, I was getting to maybe 45 degrees by myself on a good day and about 65 on a really great day with them pushing. So getting to 74 solo was a big deal and I was happy with that and will keep working. I had thought I was able to get to 90, but it's something to keep working for. I know I've said this before, but I should've been running and biking and back to normal by now, but with all the post surgery healing complications, what should've been 6-8 is still five months and counting. Ugh. But I'll get there, eventually. Hopefully.
Also today,
my mom came to visit. From the driveway. She brought me some masks and a
few other odds and ends and it was just really nice to see her in
person (and not on FaceTime) and talk to her from about 10 feet apart.
It was a quick visit, but I think a much-needed one for both of us.
with most days too, I had lots of time on my hands. So I made a record
six TikTok videos and finally had the balls to post one. I'm so hip, its
crazy. I was cracking myself up and entertaining myself incredibly, so
it was time well spent. So what if I'm 100 years too old for that app.
Quarantine makes you do crazy things.
30) April 15: This morning I awoke to snow on the ground (I mean,
really Chicago?!) and my stimulus check deposited in my bank account and
it was perfect timing. My credit card bill with my many thousand dollar
deposit for my summer trip was due and this helped me not have to go
too deep in my savings to pay it off. It was definitely bitter sweet
though paying this bill since this trip to Bali and Australia is more
than likely going to be cancelled due to many travel restrictions that
will still be in effect this summer. Time will tell, but going abroad is
seeming quite doubtful.
far as work goes, now that remote learning is more-so in full effect,
CPS has activated Google Meet for us to use with the students to video
conference and chat with them so I decided to hold a virtual office
hours with my students. I did my seniors on one session and my freshman
in the other. The kids genuinely seemed excited to connect with me and
with each other for a little while. I hope more join in next week on the
Tonight I also did a virtual Friends
trivia with some friends. We all connected on Zoom together and then
with the company doing the trivia. I was hesitant to participate at
first because I had been on google meets for so long in the morning, but
it was something different to do. Although run very inefficiently and
slow as we all agreed, it ended up being fun. I saw a virtual flip cup
game on TikTok that I want to do with my friends sometime soon as well.
31) April 16: It was cold out again, but there were some clear blue
skies and I took a walk on a different route today to mix things up. I
have stopped going through the park so much because it seems to be
getting busier and I want to avoid as many people as possible on these
walks, so I've taken to explore Old Town and Lincoln Park a bit more.
32) April 17: I woke up to it snowing again this morning which like,
WTF Chicago, it's spring. Be better. This weather was the perfect excuse
for me to watch the new Netflix dating show Too Hot to Handle
that was released today that I had been looking forward to watching
since reading about it. It was eight 35-45 minute episodes so definitely
was a doable one day binge watch and I nailed it. It wasn't amazing,
but def kept me entertained.
today, a huge announcement was made by the governor that school won’t
be meeting in person for the
remainder of the year. It's going to continue to be remote for the rest
of the school year. I knew this announcement was going to come based on
other states doing so, but I still don’t fully
understand why this was made so early. I mean, I understand that social
distancing at schools is damn near impossible and having schools meet
again this school year could be dangerous, we could've still waited it
out a bit more and followed the numbers to make the official call.
Especially because CPS goes until almost the end of June, even if we
started June 1, I think even three weeks for the kids is beneficial from
an emotional and social aspect, if not an educational one. I still have
a ton of questions on how they are going to handle students who are
failing (meaning they were failing when this all began and have most
likely also done no e-learning assignments to even attempt to raise
their grades). And since kids grades can’t go
down, why would a kid with an A even bother to do any work moving
forward for
the year unless they want to actually gain knowledge, which I do know
some of them do. Since grades can't go down, and there is nothing higher
than an A, this will really show which kids are indeed intrinsically
motivated to learn.
school closure announcement really did disappoint me. I'm sad for many
of my students, but especially my seniors. They are missing out on
special times with their friends and classmates at school as well as
major high school milestones like prom and graduation that almost
certainly won't happen in person, if at all.
33) April 18: After a couple days of winter weather, we were finally
back to spring here, at least sun and sky wise, and we are getting there
temperature wise. Now if we could only get rid of these intense winds, I
could really get my tan on. I spent a decent amount of time today, but
the wind made it difficult to really enjoy. The big accomplishment of
the day was a group TikTok I had seen it online and immediately sent it
to some of my friends who were easily convinced to participate. We had
all agreed to take a video of ourselves receiving a drink, taking a sip,
and passing it on and when put all together in a video, it looked like
we were all passing the drink to the next person. If I do say so myself,
it came out really cute.
(Day 34) April
19: It was another day of amazing spring weather and a great long walk
all the way to Lincoln Park. I am going further and further each time
and it's giving me some confidence with my leg and hopefully building
Tonight on TV was something I have been looking forward to for a while, The Last Dance
on ESPN. Finally some sports. I have been missing them like crazy. This
docuseries on Michael Jordan's final season with the Bulls wasn't
supposed to be released until June and thankfully ESPN moved up the date
after much debate due to everyone in the country being at home. The
first two episodes were so incredible. The nostalgia from those times
when the Bulls were the best team in the world brought up so many fond
memories from that time. I can't wait for next week's episodes already.
35) April 20: I slept horribly last night and woke up early, but got
started on the productivity right away. Laundry, school work, and
another masked trip to Trader Joe's to go grocery shopping. All before 9
am. It felt good to get it all done so early and out of the way, even
though I had nothing else going on. It gave me the rest of the day to
relax some more and not stress about getting all that done.
week of quarantine gone and it's getting a little easier as the weather
gets nicer because at least I can be outside on the roof with no one
around me, getting fresh air, and getting a little tan. But if it
continues to be nice, it's going to be hard to just sit still and only
keep to the roof since there aren't many other options. We shall see.
They haven't announced an extension of the stay at home order, but I'm
sure it's coming soon enough. I wouldn't be surprised if we keep it up
the entire month of may before attempting perhaps a slow re-opening.
#SummerTimeChi is definitely going to be an interesting one with so many
gathering restrictions in place. As with all of this, time will tell.
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