Some people call me rigid. Or joke have a mild case of OCD. So what that my closet is color coordinated? What of it? I like order and I like neatness. And if I want to wear a blue shirt I can go to a certain part of my closet and have all the options right there. So easy. Be jealous. I believe certain things belong in certain places and that there is a right and wrong way to do something. Because of this, sometimes I can get annoyed at little things when I go to other people's houses, go home to my parents house, or even if things tend to get hectic around my place and things start to look disorderly. I can't handle it. I blame my severe Type-A personality. Some things that I am really sensitive about are below. These are totally normal. I promise.
This is just the way it is. Not even a debate. |
1) Toilet paper must go over. Not under. I just don't get people when put their TP on the dispenser going under. It makes no sense at all. None. And those people that don't care which way it goes. How do you go through life? Geez. Toilet paper should always go over so it can flow easily from square to square. Obviously. I have even been known to secretly change the rolls of TP at people's houses to make it go the RIGHT way. I am sure they don't even notice but it makes me more comfortable the next time I use the restroom. And with my pea-size bladder and digestive issues, it will probably be sooner than later. (And just for fun, here is
another take on the issue.)
Not okay!! This drives me INSANE! Forks with knives.
Big Spoons with little spoons. This is chaos. |
2) Silverware goes in dishwasher based on type. Forks with forks. Knives with knives. Big spoons with big spoons, and little spoons with little spoons. How hard is that? It takes little to no effort to do when you load the dishwasher, and saves time and energy when unloading the dishwasher. Is there really any other way to do this? I don't get when people just throw in all random silverware together. Furthermore, this has caused problems when I go home to my parent's house. I am more than happy to unload the dishwasher, but ONLY if my mom agrees to load it correctly. She of course thinks I am nuts for this simple request, but mom...get with the program. I am trying to make your life that much easier. Sheesh.
This suitcase is pretty organized. Mine is better. |
3) I pack for vacations DAYS in advance. I love packing. I find it kind of therapeutic. Because I never want to forget anything, I of course make a long list of stuff weeks in advance of what I need to pack, then I usually start the actual packing about a week or so before my actual trip begins. I think part of its anxiety about not forgetting things and part of it is the excitement about going away. You know, god forbid I forget a toothbrush when I go to Florida. Or I need some Tums. It's not like there's not a Publix (or even Walgreens or CVS around every corner!), but I like having my stuff and I like having options.
Additionally, if I go on longer vacations, I often organize my suitcases with the giant Ziplock bags. Undies and socks in one. Shorts in another. Bras in another. Bathing suits in another. You get it. And I squeeze all the air out so they are flat as possible. This way I am not only saving some space, I can find things super easy and the suitcase stays neat. Then I have a separate bag for dirty laundry so it doesn't come close to touching anything else. Try it. You can thank me later.
Don't you dare sit on here. |
4) I don't like people sitting on my bed. Or god forbid putting their head on my pillow. Gross. I rarely will sit on my bed in street clothes so I clearly do not want anyone else to do so. If I wear clothes and sit on the subway or on a bench, I am very uncomfortable sitting on my place of slumber. I don't want any unnecessary transfer of germs. My bed is just something so clean and sterile and I want to keep it that way. Living in a studio apartment where there is no separate bedroom where my bed is right out in the open, it can be tempting for someone to sit on it (even though I have a couch) but most of my friends know my rule and respect it.
54% gives me anxiety. It's over half full. But I will enjoy clearing it. | |
5) I hate having a full DVR. I understand the purpose of a DVR is to record shows when I am not home or that I am too impatient to watch real time with commercials. And with all the TV shows I watch, my DVR is very important to me. However, if I am incredibly busy or out of town and come home to a DVR with more than five shows, I get overwhelmed and anxious and feel a great urge to clear it immediately. And by clear my DVR, I mean watch all these shows. Sometimes this can be a daunting task because I watch so much TV, but I am always up to the challenge. I have my shows that I can watch and multi-task and I have my shows that deserve 100% of my attention. There is a science to how I watch them as well: Half-hour shows first because that shortens the list in a faster manner, and then the hour or two-hour shows. I get a great sense of accomplishment when I have a lot of shows on my DVR and I clear them in a timely manner.
Some people might think I am nuts for being so rigid about the above things (and many others that I have not even listed). But to me, they really can affect my day-to-day life. It's not going to set me in a rage or ruin my whole day if something goes wrong, but they just make life easier and less stressful. I know I am not even close to real OCD, but some of these things are non-issues for others. But if they make me happy and comfortable, then so be it.
I had no idea about the dishwasher. Ya learn something new every day!
ReplyDeleteHahaha, I totally remember my mom picking up on the bed thing when we visited you :)! As she went to sit down on your bed, you didn't say anything, but she could tell it bothered you. Hilarious.
Did I create a monster???? Everytime I empty the dishwasher, I think of your rule!!!