This week, days 43-49 of stay-at-home, from April 27-May 4, I wanted to write this post a little differently than usual. Instead of a day by day round up, which to be honest, was getting a little tedious and boring to write (as I am sure it may have been to read). So for this post, I am going to give a little breakdown of the good, the bad, and the interesting.
Monday, May 4, 2020
The Good, The Bad, and the New and Interesting...
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
At least another month...

I am once again glad that we have a strong leader in JB Pritzker and happy with how he has handled everything. Sure, I wish we could go back to school and wish restaurants and bars AND the lakefront were open, but this is what is necessary and will benefit everyone moving forward. Again, I realize I am privileged to have a job right now that is continuing to pay me and provide me benefits, but for people who don't, I can't pretend to know how difficult it must be. But if you really want and/or need to go back to work and make money, plenty of essential businesses are hiring.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Thankful for the Last Dance

I have mentioned I have a routine that I keep and I try to stick by that as much as possible to keep some normalcy. I don't like being trapped inside and feel as though fresh air and movement are keeping me as sane as possible in times like that. I am trying to do things that make me happy and keep me busy, but after a while, the reality of what's going on the world seeps in and is hard to swallow. I know none of this is permanent and eventually things will go back to normal, so if this keeps people healthy and safe, then it's what we have to do.
Monday, April 13, 2020
One month down...Who knows how many to go...

I really can't imagine things going back to normal any time soon. When we do start to "open back up" I think it will happen gradually and carefully. It will have to. But again, only time will tell when and how this will happen. It's all a waiting game.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Groundhog Day
I have now just finished week three of staying-at-home/shelter-in/quarantine and social distancing and we now still have
at least another month to go. No one knows when things will return even
to semi-normalcy so we just have to accept what it is right now and do
our best to keep our heads up.
Everyday is Groundhog
Day, more or less, and I find myself trying to stick to a routine of some
sort, which if you know me, know that I love structure and rigidity, so
having that helps me. When I wake up every morning, I only give myself
twenty minutes or so max to lay in bed before getting up, making my bed, getting showered and changed, to then move to the couch.
I’m still getting up pretty early and although I could easily lay in bed
all day, I’ve done that so much these last three months from being
post-surgery and always pre-new procedure, that I’m over it. I would
love nothing more than for my old routine of having my alarm go off at
five a.m., pop out of bed and get dressed for a run or bike ride. But I
can’t, so in order to save some sort of normalcy, I don’t like to lay
around in bed too much. The fact I’m even giving myself the 20-ish minutes is me
being flexible with myself, but I’ll allow it.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Quarantine: The New Normal
After writing what I deemed a pretty crappy post previous to this, I
wanted to follow-up with something a little better and more unorganized and thoughtful. Hopefully I can achieve that in what is really
an unprecedented time in our country’s (and world’s) history. What is currently happening here is something I thought only happened in the movies or hundreds or years ago before we had the technology and medical advancements that we have, but a microscopic organism like this novel Corona virus is unpredictable and made us living in a pretty scary movies. And I HATE scary movies. What's been going on with COVID-19 is definitely something I never thought I’d see or experience. I also never thought I'd ever say this, but I am just happy that I am not currently living in NYC.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Real Life Outbreak
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