I have now just finished week three of staying-at-home/shelter-in/quarantine and social distancing and we now still have
at least another month to go. No one knows when things will return even
to semi-normalcy so we just have to accept what it is right now and do
our best to keep our heads up.
Everyday is Groundhog
Day, more or less, and I find myself trying to stick to a routine of some
sort, which if you know me, know that I love structure and rigidity, so
having that helps me. When I wake up every morning, I only give myself
twenty minutes or so max to lay in bed before getting up, making my bed, getting showered and changed, to then move to the couch.
I’m still getting up pretty early and although I could easily lay in bed
all day, I’ve done that so much these last three months from being
post-surgery and always pre-new procedure, that I’m over it. I would
love nothing more than for my old routine of having my alarm go off at
five a.m., pop out of bed and get dressed for a run or bike ride. But I
can’t, so in order to save some sort of normalcy, I don’t like to lay
around in bed too much. The fact I’m even giving myself the 20-ish minutes is me
being flexible with myself, but I’ll allow it.