Anyway, I have been trying to enjoy holiday time in New York as much as I can with everything else going on. It's one of the best times of the year here. (I feel like I say that about every time of year though.) I love the changing seasons here and taking advantage of what the city has to offer. When my parents were here for Thanksgiving we obviously watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade which is always super fun. It was both their first times seeing it and I loved watching them watching it. Well, my mom at least since my dad wasn't so into it. It's okay, it totally wasn't his thing but he was a trooper. While they were here, we also looked at the holiday windows a bit and went to see the beginning of the set-up of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. It was a mob-scene even though the tree hadn't even been lit yet, but there were tons of tourists there to see what it was anyway and to ice-skate on the rink. Needless to say, it was C-R-O-W-D-E-D. Not so much my scene. I think in my first year in New York City I went to see the Christmas tree after it was lit and it was so crowded and unenjoyable, I hadn't gone back.
Also, I remember being totally underwhelmed by it as well. Needless to say, I was in no rush to go back. But after going with my parents, I realized I did want to see it again when it was all pretty and lit up. I had let enough time go without going to see it, so the time was now. But how would I do it without having to deal with the crowds?!? Then came my brilliant idea: I would run there. Yes, a destination run to Rockefeller Plaza! I would run there in the morning while its still dark out and get a glimpse of that beautiful tree.
Once I had that idea in my head, I knew it had to be done. Had to. I was on a mission. So finally, on Thursday, with my alarm set for my normal morning run, I grabbed my headphones and my phone ( I had to take some pics obviously. And they ended up coming out great as evidenced here) and headed over to Central Park as if I was just going on my normal run. I had decided I would start my loop in the park, detour out on 59th (part of the marathon route) and run down to the tree so I could see it. I would take some pics, take in the moment, then I would head back home. The idea was pretty solid and I was actually super excited to do it.
Not only did I have my usual runner's high from endorphins, but this Jewish girl loved seeing THE Christmas tree. Simply put, it was a really cool experience. And now its one I am going to make it a yearly tradition. How can I go see the tree with thousands of other people around when I have it all to myself for a few peaceful moments in the morning? I can't. I just totally spoiled myself.
You know those moments where you realize how good you really have it? Well, I have been having a lot of those lately, and they feel really good. I know how lucky I am do lead the life that I have and moments like this help me appreciate that. This moment last week, although just a few minutes out of a long day was something that really made me happy and shaped that entire day. Sure I'm lonely all the time and wish I had someone to share my happy times with (because there are a lot of them), but a moment like Thursday's really made me realize I just need to appreciate what I have right now and focus on that. The other stuff will fall into place if meant to be.
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