I love food. Like really love it. I am not from the school of "eat to live" but from the school of "love to eat." And when I don't eat, look out, I get hangry. That's right, hungry-angry. Hangry. And when this happens, take cover because I am not fun to be around. I get snappy and moody. It's not pretty.
Although I am also someone that does try to eat healthy a majority of the time, I do have my "slip-ups" from time to time. But they are totally allowed. I mean, I am not going to live life with no hamburger and fries. I'm not. That's no fun. Everything in moderation is the key. But really, for the most part, my diet is pretty healthy.
Because I love to eat so much, it may surprise some of you that I want to try a juice cleanse. This is not for the purpose of losing weight, but for cleansing my body AND my mind. I want to challenge my body on a different level than I have before. I usually challenge it with exercise and other physical activities, but by doing a juice cleanse, this is taking it to a whole different level. I want to start Spring on a new, high note and also start the last leg of the school year super-charged and feeling great. My Spring break ends Tuesday night so if I do a three-day cleanse for my three-day work week, it will start off the tail end of the year hopefully very positively. I think it will be a good "reset."