More and more it seems that the more time I get off from work, even on the weekends, the more and more I realize what it is I love doing: and that is working out. I know it sounds super lame, but I seriously have such great days when they consist of a great run or group fitness class, whether its SoulCycle or something else. Challenging myself in these classes and getting out and being active makes me ridiculously happy. It gives me not only a sense of accomplishment but its fun for me.
I tried a new class in NYC right before break that I loved and while I've been home I've gotten in quite a few new workouts too. This has obviously given me great enjoyment. I know I am on vacation and people think I'm nuts for taking some early morning classes (hello 5:10 wake-up calls), but once again, I really enjoy them! I like staying active and trying new things and won't apologize for that. Here's what I've got into lately...
1) Mile High Run Club (NYC). (This is the class I took right before I went home and it was so awesome that I wish I had had time to take it again before I left.) Mile High is a fairly new studio in NOHO that can kind of be described as the SoulCycle of running. It is am interval running class all on treadmills. Really nice, Woodway treadmills. I took the hour class and there were basically intervals the entire time with some hills and some speed work in there and really, it was awesome. (There are also 45 minute classes that incorporate some weights.) As someone who isn't a huge fan of the treadmill, it is a great tool for me for speed work. This class really pushed me to increase my pace to something I may not try in Central Park alone. There is something about group classes like this versus individual work that just encourages me to really just go for it even more than usual and thats one reason I like them. You can use the energy of class and the instructor to really push the limits and test yourself. This class is definitely something I plan to take again and feel it may even make me a bit faster. And even if not, its something different and gets me to a different neighborhood on the weekend. Plus, they had nice showers for after class to allow me to shower and then walk around downtown after. Double score on the class and facilities.

3) Shred 415 (Northfield, IL). From what I had heard, Shred was like the Barry's Bootcamp of the midwest. It has four 15-minute circuits. 15 minutes on the treadmill, then 15 with weights, then each again for a total of an hour class. It's a pretty simple format and you're moving the entire time. I knew I'd like it and I was right. This is definitely a class I would take often if I lived here and I have a bunch of friends who do take it all the time. The treadmill parts had intervals of hills and speed, twice. The second time was a little harder since we had just been on the floor doing weights. Everything went by super quickly too. Having the fifteen minute increments made it all fly by because we kept switching. I was sweating a ton as per usual and really pushed myself on the treadmill because I knew the timing. I recently heard a Barry's Bootcamp is opening up in my neighborhood and because I enjoy this interval training stuff, this is def something I will be doing again. And of course would do Shred again while home.
All those new workout classes were pretty great, and of course there were some old stand by's that I participated in as well.
4) November Project (Chicago). I have mentioned before that I attend November Project workouts
in NYC. I can only really go once a week because of my schedule but I do enjoy them. It's a great way to mix up my runs during the week. It's an opportunity for me to (kind of) run with others and work on speed a bit. I still don't feel I have a niche with that group, but I do like just having something different to do instead of running alone in Central Park. Anyway, there is a NP Chicago and they also meet on Wednesdays and Fridays so I wanted to get to one of them. I also wanted to take my mom, especially to the Friday workout because it meets at the Bean in Millennium Park. This is one of our favorite places to go together in the city so to be able to go there early in the morning to workout and before all the tourists get there is something I was super excited about. We drove down to the city, parked the car and headed to the Park. Everyone was super friendly and we got a great workout in as the sun was rising over a very empty Millennium Park. It really was a cool experience to work out at such an iconic location. I even got my Chicago tags on my #grassrootsgear. Woohoo.
5) Swimming (LA Fitness). I haven't swum laps in a LONG time and I asked my dad to get me a guest pass to the gym. He goes there a few times a week to ride the bike and swim and I figured I'd tag along with him. I do almost all my workout stuff at home alone or with my mom so it was a treat to be able to go to the gym with my dad. He rode the bike and I did the treadmill and then we both met in the pool and did laps. Although we didn't chat much, it was just nice being able to do that with him. Plus, the swimming was awesome. I brought my goggles and swim cap home in case we went and of course rocked those! I swam laps for twenty minutes and although it doesn't seem like a long time, swimming is extremely exhausting, especially after not doing it in a long time. I took turns between freestyle, breast stroke, and backstroke and was enjoying myself so much. I wish I had access to a pool in New York because swimming is such a phenomenal low-impact workout, plus its always fun to just be in the pool.

in my usual runs around the hood.
Unfortunately I missed the Chicago opening of SoulCycle by two days. Two freaking days. Man, I was disappointed. I wanted to go so bad and missed it this week for sure. But its okay, I will be back in a month so hopefully will be able to go then.
Doing all of these things made me happy. Each and every time I try a new class or have a great workout, I realize that this is what I enjoy doing and perhaps need to find a new job that incorporates this. I don't think its the post-workout endorphins that make me so happy, but its the activity itself. (Wearing workout clothes all the time doesn't hurt at all either.) I don't exactly know what the route would be to attain this new career path, but it is something I interested in. I don't want to be an actual personal trainer or anything but want to get in the field of fitness somehow. Group fitness instructor? Blogging? Social Media? PR? Activewear? All of the above! I don't know, but I need a change of pace and want to actually enjoy what I'm doing again. It's a good thing I have the coaching at work because that is the part of my day I look forward to. And not surprising, that's the active, competitive, and motivating part of my day. But anyway, this break was a super active one for me and I loved trying different workouts. I would obviously do all of them again and hope to try new ones too. I feel lucky that I enjoy working out so much and not so much as a chore. Now, I just need to find a way to get paid for it on the regular!!!
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