Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sorry Carrie, we can't be friends

Sex and the City is now syndicated and on E! and Style Network multiple times a day. Even though I own the whole series on DVD (yes, the pink velvet book...thanks Mom...best Hannukah gift ever), I insist on watching old episodes on TV. Even without the graphic sex scenes and the swear words, I am still entertained. However, now that I am older and actually live in NYC, I can relate to it more than I did the first time I watched it. Being more mature than I was in my early twenties and having more life experiences, I now realize how irritating and cringe-worthy Carrie Bradshaw is. Ugh. I have known girls like her, and needless to say, we are not, and will not, be friends.

When SATC came out in 1998, I hadn't heard of it. I was a junior in high school and honestly, I didn't know anything about NYC or 30-something year old ladies and their sex lives. And I didn't really care. I mean, they were so old and I probably couldn't relate.  It wasn't a show that really caught on super fast within my group of friends and it wasn't until the summer going into my senior year of college that I really got up to speed.  One of my friends and I hunkered down in each others basements nights on end watching episode after episode until we caught up to the current season. The final season of SATC was going to air that year and I wanted to be able to watch it in real time. By this time, everybody was talking about the phenomena that was SATC and I wanted to be able to add my own two cents.  Sadness creeped up on me when the last episode ended even though it had only been a part of my life for such a short time. I was going to miss it.

Rewind to a few months later, and little ole me, who cried at overnight camp (that was only a week long and less than an hour from my house), moved to NYC. Was I going to live the life of a SATC lady? Probably not. I wasn't rich. Wasn't skinny. And didn't know a soul in NYC. However, soon enough, I had friends (still no money) and we were spending crazy nights out on the town and having brunch (Ess-A-Bagel counts, right?) in the morning discussing the previous night's shenanigans. There happened to be four of us and of course, because SATC was still uber popular, our conversations would always end up relating to an episode and of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte. How would they would act in the situations we were in? Basically a WWCSMCD? Let me tell you this, I would never be a "Carrie" if I wanted to keep any of my friends.  She was needy, whiny, self-absorbed, insecure, obsessive, and the list goes on. As the main character of the show, she was the most unlikeable and the most annoying to me.  I would NEVER be friends with anyone like Carrie. Ever. And I don't think I am the only one. This article makes points that I could not have stated better myself about the show and about Carrie.  I am pretty sure that many of you who are fans of the show can't deny what he says. The author is really spot on.

Anyway, many years later, I still live in NYC. I have a totally different life than I did when I first moved here (new apt, a real job, new friends) and I couldn't be happier. Do I now live the life of the SATC ladies? Absolutely not. But do I want to? Kinda, sorta, sometimes...but mostly its when I pass the Christian Louboutin store on Fifth Ave and have to walk by very fast as to not leave a giant face print on the glass. I do however, have fabulous friends and we have fabulous times (on a WAY lower budget...but nonetheless fabulous times). And sometimes our morning-after stories could outdo any episode of SATC.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie had nothing on our harlem nights :)
