Thursday, March 21, 2013


I'm sure you have seen and heard the phrase YOLO ad nauseum in recent months. According to Drake, you can thank him for it because he "invented" it. His song "The Motto" is basically an ode to it. (See video below) He kind of started this whole YOLO thing with the song and it's caught on. Even though sometimes people mock this phrase, I respect it and need to start following it a bit more. I mean, really, you do only live once.

Sometimes you have to take life by the balls and stop waiting around. I am sick of waiting for people to do stuff with. (Especially vacations.) If I want to spend the money and/or my time and do something that interests me, then I need to step up and just do it. By myself. And for myself. If I can't do things for myself, who can I do them for? And I actually really do enjoy doing things alone so I don't see what the big deal is anyway.

I want this to sound the least pathetic as possible, but what am I holding on to all of my savings for right now? I don't have a boyfriend or even any prospects to spend money on. I'm not planning a wedding. I have no intention of buying a condo in NYC anytime soon. And I don't have a child. Therefore, what am I being so thrifty for at my still youngish age? I am a very responsible woman who deserves to live it up once in a while. And before any of the above things happen, I need to enjoy the little youth I have left in my life and have some fun. YOLO, right? What am I waiting for exactly?

I mean, what am I am hoarding all this money away for? I work hard and I should get to enjoy the actual decent amount of money I do make. I'm going to improve my quality of life a bit. I need to stop being scared to get out there and take life by the horns a bit more so to speak. My friends have also encouraged me a bit to start doing more and have done so themselves as well. I needed that bit of convincing to get the ball rolling. If you know me, I tend to be a bit rigid and sometimes need some encouragement to get out of my comfort zone and take some risks (socially, financially, and personally). Yes I am outgoing and assertive, but sometimes only in certain aspects of my life. So in recent weeks, I have started making some moves. I work hard and make a decent salary, so I need to start spending that hard earned money a bit more for pure enjoyment. Here are some the things that I have started to "YOLO" myself (yes, I just turned it into a verb. Sue me) about recently...

1. Concert Tickets. I have become a bit more of a concert person lately. I will still really only go to a show if I know the words to like 90% of the songs played because otherwise its just awful to me. But I realized how fun a concert can actually be if I give it a chance. This year I went to the Jay-Z concert and was all set to go to Lady Gaga before she cancelled. I also recently tried to get Beyonce tickets. Twice. But they sold out in minutes. Boo. However, I did purchase New Kids on the Block/98 Degrees/BoysIIMen tickets. Major score. I made it known to my friends that I really wanted to go to this and if no one agreed to go with me, I was going to just buy two tickets and hopefully convince someone later to go with me. It turned out a few of my friends actually wanted to go, so now there are five of us going in June and it should be a blast. I can't wait to whip out all my sweet NKOTB dance moves from my youth. 

A few years back, when Britney Spears was on tour, I was dying to go to that concert and no one would go with me so I didn't go. I was so upset about it. I mean, I love her and didn't want to go alone. And that shouldn't have stopped me, but it did. I'm not letting that happen anymore.

2. Spin instructor Certification. I have been saying for the past three years how I want to get my spinning instructor certification. (Sidenote: In college I was also thisclose to getting my aerobic instructor license but the classes weren't convenient so it never panned out.) I am fairly confident I was a DJ in my past life (kinda sorta) and the combination of my love for dancy-great beat music and exercise is just awesome. I put the cert class off for a while because of the price, but seriously, I want to do this. And I want to have a so-called "back-up plan" if I do ever decide to leave teaching. And if not, this will be nice supplemental income once I get an instructor position. Why not get paid to work out and do something I love? Hopefully I will get a consistent job as a spin instructor at a local gym once or twice a week and the instructor class will eventually pay for itself. And one day perhaps, after my days of teaching are over, I could parlay this into a career. SoulCycle, call me! Flywheel, holler at your girl.

3. Nutrition Consultant classes. I have always had an interest in fitness and nutrition. Although I may not follow a completely nutritious lifestyle to a "T", I do know what is healthy and what is not. I do not necessarily want to go back to school again for a 4th degree but there are online courses to become a nutrition consultant. This won't make me a Registered Dietician or Nutritionist but is the next best thing. It's not cheap, but it seems a pretty great way to learn about this stuff at my own pace and get certified. My mom has also shown interest in this so we have discussed taking the online courses together which would be fun to do. And also, paired with a spin instructor certification, this can add to a possible second career. You just never know...

4. Europe this summer. I am not well-traveled at all and don't know what I have been waiting for to be. I was supposed to go to Europe with my best friend after college graduation but since I ended up graduating early and then getting into NYU, I ended up moving to NYC two days after my friends all graduated and spent my summer and the subsequent nine years here. So no Europe for me. Until now.

Recently I decided I want to go to Europe in summer 2014 (i.e. next summer). This upcoming summer I need to train for the NYC marathon which I get a tad psycho about so didn't think there would be time for a long trip. Next summer I was going to take off training and not do a 2014 marathon so I'd have the summer to do whatever my heart desires. I had it all figured out. Or so I thought. When voicing my plans to my mother, she was like "What are you waiting for? Just go now. You can start training when you get back." I thought about what she said for all of five seconds and she was right. I should go now. (Thanks mama!) She gave me the kick in the butt I needed to stop waiting and start acting. I can miss the first few weeks of marathon training with early lower mileage and it won't kill me. I'm confident it won't. And I will get the trip of a lifetime and still manage to get in my training. I don't want to wait. And I don't have to. Planning this trip is me "letting go" a little. Wow, it feels kind of good. A little impulsive, but good. And I know I will have a spectacular time. 

5. February or Spring Break next year somewhere tropical. As I said above, I am sick of waiting for people to do stuff with me. I am an adult and if I want to do something or go somewhere, I don't NEED someone to do it with. Sure, its fun to have the company, but if the lack of company is stopping me, which has been the case, I need to get over that and just go by myself. So next year, if no one will agree to go away with me, or want to spend the money I want to spend for a really nice resort, then I am going to go. Alone. And I am sure I will enjoy it. What's not to enjoy about the sun, the beach, and a nice hotel?  Not much. I think I am just going to do it. I deserve it.

It looks as though I may be over-YOLO-ing (totally just made that word up and love it), but I don't care. I am young. I am single. And I pretty much have the time. Why not do/plan these things? Why not splurge a bit? I may notice a HUGE dent in my bank account by September based on these plans but if I feel happiness and fulfillment in my life, then I know its most definitely worth it. YOLO, bitches.

And for your viewing and listening pleasure, here is "The Motto" by Drake

1 comment:

  1. All of these things are so excitinggg especially NKOTB what whaaatt!! #YOLOYOLOYOLO
