I am a lot of things: Awesome. Hilarious. Smart. Athletic. Driven. And apparently quite modest too. Hehe. But seriously, I talk about myself on here quite often and feel that people who read this regularly have a good sense about the time of person I am. I am very set in my ways and have my likes and dislikes. There are certain things however, that I am not too fond of (spicy food, bad texters, etc...) or words that someone would never use to describe me (mellow, quiet, boring, etc...). I am however, open to new things and will try most things at least one time. But as the old saying goes "A zebra can't change its stripes", there are some things, that I just don't know if I will ever be. I am more than willing to give it a go, but for now, here are things that I am not...
I am not:
Meh, not really my thing |
1. A concert person. They are loud. They are crowded. They are often overpriced. I know I sound like an 85 year old grandma here, but concerts just don't do it for me. I have been to a few in my life, but I am suuuuper picky when it comes to them. I won't go to a concert unless I know about 90% of the songs that are going to be played (Um, Britney, NKOTHBSB, Jay-Z/Eminem...concerts I was actually dying to go to). It's not fun for me otherwise. I like to sing along and really appreciate the artist and their performance. If I don't know the lyrics, its just not that fun for me. And forget it if its a new band. If I don't know your music, I am not that interested in learning it this way. Sounds a little ignorant, but that's how it is for me.
This can't be comfy to fly in |
2. Someone who dresses up to go to the airport. Who are these people anyway? Besides celebrities, who really does this? I mean high heels, tight jeans, fancy dresses, full faces of make-up? This cannot be comfortable. There is time when you land to primp if you need to, but how can you sit and be comfortable dressed like that for hours at a time on an airplane? Brutal. I am all about comfort. Yoga pants. Hoodie. Ponytail.
Yes to Gay Marriage! |
3. Someone who knows and follows politics. This is something I am actually quite embarrassed and ashamed about. I wish I knew more about politics but my attention span permits me from paying attention to the news and newspaper/magazine articles about the topic if its more than a paragraph or two. I need the abbreviated, watered down version. Otherwise its too much. I know I should make a better attempt, but damn, my short attention span doesn't seem to allow it. I know its my future, but can't
US Weekly do a column each week on it or something? As the election gets closer, I will try and make a better attempt at keeping up. I would love to take this characteristic of this list.
This is me without a TV on |
4. Someone who can fall asleep in silence. I must have the TV on. It can't be music (because I tend to sing-a-long and then there is no chance in falling asleep). And it can't be a show or movie I haven't seen before (because I will obvi try to stay up and watch it). For my Bat Mitzvah, I got a TV in my bedroom as a gift and this changed my life forever. From this point on, a bad habit formed where I can rarely fall asleep without the TV on. So thanks Mom and Dad for that gift. Just kidding, I LOVED it. There is something about the combination of the light and the sound that I need in order fall asleep. Without TV it is just too dark (even with a night-light) and too quiet and I get very restless. I know this is a bad habit and can often be annoying to someone else who sleeps over or I share a room with, but its pretty much a must for me.
My style. So fast, you're a blur |
5. A dilly-dallier. Sometimes as I walk down the streets of NYC, I don't understand how people get to where they need to go. They seem to be just mosy-ing down the street with no real need to get anywhere on time. New York is one of those places where you hear everyone is always in a rush and there is a need for speed. Well, sometimes I feel like its the opposite. As someone that is seemingly always on the go, I pass people left and right. It's my quick walking speed and semi-ADD nature, but don't these people have someplace to get on time. I pride myself in the speed and efficiency that I get things done, but I really get frustrated when people take their sweet little time. It's not that I am always in a rush, but I do just don't understand how people move so damn slow. (Even when I had my broken foot and was in my boot, I walked faster than 75% of the people on the sidewalk!) If you are with me and we are walking around, be prepared to move at a nice steady pace and to get stuff done.
Clearly this list makes me look a little strange, but I am who I am. I do not hide these qualities about myself and like I said before, I am willing to give everything a try at least one time. I do want to learn about politics, and I would be willing to go to another concert if necessary. I will branch out a little. However, I don't think I will ever be able to just take my sweet little time walking down the street because its just not my nature, but never say never. As I continue to get older and more mature (I am 30 after all!!), some of these things might change, and some might get even worse, but at least I am aware of them.
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