Sometimes I can be slightly judgemental. Just slightly. Meh, who am I kidding? I can be a total judgy bitch. And sometimes I wonder what goes through people's head. In a city as big as NYC, you see all kinds of people. They come in all shapes and sizes...and mental stability. And of course, I notice most of these weirdos because on top of being judgemental, I can also be very observant. I notice things that other people (besides my mother) might never notice. I can't help it. I am always super aware of my surroundings. And I also feel the need to question and comment on what I see as well. Once again, I can't help it. Some of the the questions that often pop in my head when I walk down the street are below.
1) Did you not watch the weather forecast this morn? I mean, its 65 degrees and you are running in pants, a jacket, gloves, and ear warmers. Are you kidding? I am sweating just looking at you. What do you wear when its 45 degrees? And geez, what do you do if its 20 degrees? I don't even want to know. And if it's 8 degrees and you are running in shorts, what are you thinking? That's just not healthy. And no, I am not impressed. I actually think you are nuts. Throw on some pants!
And who are these people that are still wearing boots and/or scarves in 90 degree weather? Are you not hot? Or are you trying to be fashionable?
2) How do you ever get anywhere walking this slowly? I mean, seriously, some people walk so. damn. slow. It makes no sense to me. Unless you are old and/or handicapped, you should at least walk at a leisurely pace. Yes, I am someone that walks fast and always seems to be in a rush, even when I'm not, but I can't just take my sweet time. It's just not who I am. I walk with a mission. And I like to be prompt. I am one of those people where early is on time and on time is late. So I walk with a purpose. I just can't walk slow. I have tried and its just not me. It takes more energy for me to slow down and really just mosey than to walk slowly. Trust me, I've tried.
And just for good measure...
4) Why do you feel the need to ask a question that only applies to you in a room of over 50 people? Save it until the end or send an email. Don't waste everyone's time. This is something that irritated the fuck out me in college and grad school. Class would be ending and the teacher would ask if there were any more questions. Then one person would go ahead and ask the professor something that only applied to them. Or had NOTHING to do with the subject we were discussing. No one else needed to hear this question and probably didn't care. Yet this person felt the need to ask it in front of everyone and hold us all up. I am not impressed by your question or self-perceieved intelligence. I want to be done with class and go home. If you really want to ask this, please do so on your own time. And yes, my friend and I were the assholes in the back of the class shouting "send an email" when someone did this. And yes, other people always thanked us for doing so.
Whether or not you notice these things....Or whether or not you think I am nuts for noticing these things...Or whether or not you feel I am being totally judgemental for no reason about these things...I just can't help it. I see this and my mind just races. Sure, I try not to let it irritate me or bother me, but for some reason it sometimes does. Not always though. Sometimes its entertainment, but other times its general confusion. Whatever it may be, I am sure there are some things that I do that others may question. And to them I say, stop it! I am perfect. Obvs.
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