Just a Spoonful
Sometimes there is only one utensil I need in my kitchen: a spoon. I could probably survive in life if that was the only utensil I had. There are enough foods out there that can be eaten just with a spoon. Most of these foods are jarred, canned, or in a carton. They are easy to eat and usually go down pretty smooth. However, most of these foods weren't originally made to be eaten plain out of their container. As someone who is usually a rule follower, I am a big rule breaker in these cases and eat them by the spoonful. And yes, I double dip in my own containers. So without further ado, here are some foods that I am often caught eating straight up with my trusty spoon.

1) Nutella. Need I say more? I do not, but you know me, and of course I will. I never really was even that curious about Nutella until I went to Israel a few years ago. I did not like the food there, so for breakfast every morning I had toast with Nutella. And they came in these cute individual cups that I could kick myself now for not stealing. They would have been gone within days back in the US but still very awesome. I am sure I could find them here, but why do that to myself? I would end up storing them everywhere. Purses. Gym bags. Pockets. Anyway, after I came back to the US after living on Nutella, Israeli chocolate bars (yum!!) and McDonalds for ten days, I decided to keep the Nutella in my life. I ate all my chocolate bars within a week of being back and I wouldn't dare continue to eat McDonalds here. I wish I could as it is so delish, but bad for the waistline, but the Nutella habit stayed and I really haven't looked back.

2) Peanut Butter. (Especially Peanut Butter and Company's White Chocolate Wonderful or Dark Chocolate Dreams flavored peanut butter.) I love peanut butter. I used to be happily satisfied with regular Jif. Then I found these Peanut Butter and Co. jars in my grocery store. At at $6 a jar, they are no steal, but are worth every single spoonful. It came to a point where I had to stop buying them for a while because they weren't lasting that long in my apt. I am embarrassed to say how short it would last. I have found now that if I buy natural peanut butter from Trader Joes it is so "real," its just too peanutty and stick-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth annoying that I really don't eat it plain. And trust me, this is a good thing.
3) Trader Joes Low Sugar Organic Jelly. Sooo good. I go with Strawberry or Apricot and these jellies are delish. Plain. If I need something sweet and fruity, a nice heaping spoonful of this jelly does the trick. Or wait for it...I will even take a little PB on the spoon, then put on some jelly for one delicious bite. Heaven.
4) Mama Gyro Tzatziki Sauce. Mama Gyro is a little restaurant on 77th and Lex and it has awesome, fast greek food. They sell a bunch of dips and sauces on the side as well but their amazing tzatziki sauce is the star. It is the shit. Soooo good. It's supposed to be a used as condiment or a dip but I eat it plain. Like regular yogurt. It's so garlicy and yummy! And since its made with greek yogurt, the high protein content keeps me full too. (But my breath situation after wards, isn't so sweet. You win some, you lose some.)
5) Edy's S'mores Ice Cream. This is a limited edition flavor but its oh so good. And duh, you are probably thinking everyone eats ice cream with a spoon so why am I any different? But usually people put it in a bowl first at least. I do not do that. I live alone and don't care and eat it right out of the carton. Why dirty more dishes than necessary? This ice cream is so good with its chunks of marshmallow and graham crackers. Man do I love those chunks of graham cracker. I only allow myself to to buy it once a year since I lack self control to eat it like a normal person. This container will usually last about two days. But to my defense I eat it as my lunch and as my dinner instead of in addition to. (A beauty of living alone is that I can eat ice cream as meals whenever I want!)
If I catch myself eating these things without reckless abandonment I impose bans on them in my apartment and will not allow myself to purchase them anymore. Such is the case with Cool-Whip Free. I am not allowed to buy it anymore. But because I enjoy all of these things so much I don't want to have to do it so I try to act like a grown-up and act that I can handle buying whatever I want. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. That's life I guess. But sometimes life gives me happiness one spoonful at a time.
I'm with you on the PB. I had at one time 5 jars of PB (only three open at once)...and I live alone. PB&Co is awesome, and so is Wild Squirrel Nut Butter (http://shop.wildsquirrelnutbutter.com/collections/nut-butters). Wild Squirrel is small batch I think because they change up the flavors pretty often.