I have said many times before that I am my own best friend and love doing stuff by myself. Also because sometimes I am so impatient that when I want to do something, I don't want to wait around for anyone so I just go by myself. There are some things that depending who you ask, are acceptable to do alone, and some that are considered pathetic to do alone. I personally think that anyone that goes out alone and has the confidence to do so should be applauded. For me, some things are easier to do alone than others, but I still give it a go. Below are four things that I have done alone before and will do again.
1) Shopping. I think this is the most common solo outing for most people. I prefer shopping alone most of the time because I can go at my own speed. If there is nothing I like, I do a lap and I am out. If I find something I like and need to try it on, I am super fast and hate waiting on others to try their stuff on. Selfish, yes, but totally efficient. There are two times when I enjoy shopping with someone else: When they are paying for me (What up Mama?!) and when I need a second opinion on how something looks. The second one is easier to get around because I can purchase the goods and have a friend over for the opinion (or a skype date fashion show). No biggie.
2) A Restaurant. When a craving hits, sometimes you must succumb. If you can't find anyone to go with you or just don't wait to wait for them, you go alone. While I sometimes will just order in, some food is just better in the restaurant. I really don't mind eating alone at all as long as I have something to read at the table. I use to really feel sorry for people eating alone, but I wasn't as comfortable with myself then as I am now. However, I still get very sad when I see an old person out alone. It really tugs at my heartstrings because I make up a story about them in my head about why they are eating alone (no friends, spouse died, just lonely and want to be around others, etc...) and it just makes me sad.
3) The Movies. Why do you need someone to go to a movie with you anyway? You can't talk during the movie, so why do you need a companion? Personally, I love seeing movies alone. Its relaxing and I can go and see whatever I want, whenever I want. And if I want to discuss the movie with someone, I will call a friend who has already seen it.
4) The Bar. I think this is my bar the most difficult thing to do on your own. I have done it twice ever and the first time it was awful and the second time it was fantastic. There are many reasons why you'd want to go a bar alone (sports event not on your cable, alumni event, singles event, etc...) and you have to be choosy when and where you want to go for it to be successful, but this article has some fantastic tips on how to go to a bar alone and inspired my second outing. This is the one thing I am most hesitant to do alone but I know if it makes me happy, then why not?
Although I am proud of my independence and ability to go solo quite often, there is one thing I am dying to do alone and that is go on vacation by myself. I would love to get away this spring to somewhere warm and tropical and don't know if any of my friends would be willing to go with me because of the location (maybe they've been before), because of money, or because they can't get the time off work. But I really need a vacay and want to go. However, I have two fears about taking on this challenge: 1) Will I get bored super fast because I won't have a companion with me and 2) It's not safe for me to really drink and go out without someone else. The first one is a concern to me mostly at nighttime. I can lay out, read, and listen to music on the beach all day and be totally fine. But I worry in the late afternoon and evening is when I will want some company. Number two is what really concerns me. There is no way I'd get drunk while in another country by myself. Way. Too. Dangerous. Additionally, I would want to be able to have the leisure to go into town by myself via cab or whatever and even without drinking, that could be scary.
Naturally, being able to do things by yourself is a very good trait to have. You shouldn't have to rely on people for entertainment and company. However, you also shouldn't do everything by yourself. Sometimes having a friend join you and keep you company can heighten the experience. If you want to do something/go somewhere that none of your friends are interested in, don't let that hold you back and head on out, head held high, and have some fun with yourself.
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