I have recently been watching Doug and Courtney on VH1's Couples Therapy and its one of those things that is so awful yet engrossing at the same time. There are other "celebs" on the show getting their therapy (and TV time, natch), but this couple ultimately steals the show. This is because a) they are trying to do so by starting shit and b) They are so ridiculous its hard not to take front and center.
Sidenote: Because Courtney is not 18 and because of CHILD labor laws in California, she can't even spend the night at the therapy house because it would be more hours filmed than allowed.

Like many others, I tune in each week to watch them. (And of course the others too.) I am not the only person who finds their relationship to be totally inappropriate. All the other couples AND the therapist on the show all do as well. I mean, they wouldn't be sane if they thought otherwise. Doug even claims in front of everyone that he is "raising his wife." Um, gross. Totally gross. Does he not realize how much of a pedophile he sounds like? And then he and Courtney can't believe people are judging them. That is how unreal and disgusting these two are.
One of the main reasons they are in Couples Therapy, besides the obvious fame-whoring, is because they have many issues in their marriage. But is anyone really surprised that a 51-year-old and a 17-year-old have issues in their relationship? Most of them are jealousy issues that Doug has. He doesn't like the attention that Courtney gets from guys. Here's an idea: have her dress normal. Any female walking down the street wearing what she is wearing is going to get attention, that's a fact. When you are dressed like that and are on the arm of a man so much older than you, its going to garner even more stares. Secretly though, you can tell Doug enjoys the attention because essentially he knows he has her. And he loves that. Creepy. She however, loves the attention and craves it. If she didn't, she obviously wouldn't dress like that.
All of the other couples on the show are equally disturbed with their relationship and don't understand it. They share the same feelings I do as I watch. Except they get to see it first hand which I am sure is even worse. They don't get why Courtney would want to be with a man so much older and not find it odd. They don't understand how her parents could allow this to happen. They don't understand why Courtney dresses the way she does. They don't understand how these two don't understand why so many people judge them. I mean get a freakin' clue.
This whole situation is disturbing and for VH1 to even show these two on TV is pretty gross. (Have you noticed how many times I have used the adjectives gross and disturbing?) They are stooping pretty low by giving them this amount of air time. But I guess from a channel that also had a reality TV competition with Heidi Pratt and Danielle Staub, I shouldn't be surprised. And lets be serious, if if I am even shocked by these people, they must be the absolute worst. And you know what? They are. However, even though I get the creeps whenever they come on my screen, I still tune in hoping that by the end, they will all tell us we have been Punked and this is all a big joke. Unfortunately I really don't think it is. So let me say one more time: Gross.
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