Having lived here for so long, I have picked up on the many wacky and outrageous nuances this city offers. (But not a lot of the lingo. (Never!) Sorry, but pop, gym shoes, and waiting IN line are here to stay.) There is so much to be thankful for and to love in this great metropolis and I feel lucky quite often for living here and getting to experience it all. Sometimes I will catch myself in a moment here (running parallel to the statue of liberty, a big snowstorm and seeing the beauty of Central Park, etc...) and have to pinch myself and ask "Do I seriously live in New York?" It's that good.
There is so much constantly going on here which makes it so unique and special. To some its overwhelming, but to me, its just right. There are also things that are acceptable here that wouldn't fly anywhere else, but because its NYC, it just works. There are so many people that are like "I could never live there. It's too fast paced and people are too neurotic." Um, have you met me? You just described me which is why it's been such a perfect fit.

And now since I am approaching "New Yorker" status, lets talk about things that make someone a real New Yorker. Although this city did not necessarily welcome me with open arms my first day here, it has since embraced me and made me feel as one of it's own. Having little pieces of information that give you a leg up and finding things completely acceptable that people anywhere else find absolutely ridiculous make this city what it is. I know I will think of a ton more once I publish this, but for now, here are the twenty things that make me a New Yorker now...
1) I know where to stand on the subway platform for the staircase of the exit I need or the train I need to transfer to.
2) I don't think twice about paying $11 for a fresh pressed juice or smoothie.
3) When I go in a real car (not counting a taxi), I get excited and always want to sit shotgun.
4) If a train comes and all the cars are packed except for one, I will not get in there. Two things are happening: No A/C or smelly-homeless person.
5) I think nothing of walking over five miles on a normal day.
6) Openly crying on the train or while walking down the street does not phase me and I could care less who sees me.
7) After eating Barney Greengrass lox, not much else will ever compare. Same goes with a Shake Shack burger. And an Ess-A bagel. And a Levain Bakery cookie. (Shall I go on?)
8) I avoid Times Square and Herald Square at all costs.
9) I think its totally okay to pay $34 for a spin class or boot camp.
10) I love seeing other people's apartments and have no shame in asking what their rent is.
11) I expect that anything and everything can be delivered. At any hour. (Food almost always has no delivery charge and if it does, I prob won't order from that place.)
12) An apartment building with a laundry room is heaven. One with in-unit washer-driers are oasis'.
13) A bacon, egg, and cheese with ketchup is one of the best hangover foods on this planet and every deli on every corner serves them. (And if you are in Harlem go with a chopped cheese. You can thank me later.)
14) I know to buy water from a deli or CVS/Duane Reade than a street vendor who upcharges ridiculously to tourists who don't know any better.
15) My metro card is out and ready before I walk in the turnstile. People who wait in the turnstile to then open their wallets and get their cards (blocking everyone while doing so) deserve a special place in hell.
16) I can tell you where all the hills are on the outer Central Park loop.
17) Having the Trader Joes line wrap all the way around the store and start at the door is the norm.
18) Garlic knots are god's gift to side dishes.
19) I don't expect snow days even if over a foot of snow falls (or is currently falling!) Huge bummer.
20) Seeing someone eating a meal out at a restaurant with their dog doesn't phase me one bit anymore.
I am so in my element in this city and when I am anywhere else I am always comparing it to New York City. As much as I love Chicago and have my family there (too bad I can't just live in both places and teleport back and forth), its just not as fast-paced and go-go-go as New York. (Although I do miss me some deep dish Lou Malnati's pizza.) Sure, I'll most likely end up back there eventually and know I'll be happy, but nothing (nothing!!) compares to the bright lights of the big city I have called my home these past years. With everything at my fingertips all the time, how can I not love this place?!?! Happy almost 10 year anniversary to me.
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