Monday, January 21, 2013

$pin: Got $oul?

Everyone knows that I am a runner. But I also spin at least once a week. It's a fantastic workout and I always leave super sweaty and feeling great. And I like using my other muscles and challenging myself a bit. Plus, a little distance from the Central Park running path is welcomed as it can become quite monotonous. My gym offers free spin classes, but they don't all fit my rigid workout schedule. I am a morning exerciser and they don't have early morning weekday classes as early as I go. On the weekends, I only like one of the instructors so I go pretty much every Saturday morning. Like a loser, I look forward to it all week. The Sunday morning teacher is boring and a good spin class depends on two things: The music and the instructor. If both are on par, the class can be awesome, and if one is off, its can be not so great which is why I am so picky. I wish I could take spin like three times a week but my gym's schedule doesn't work for me and the other options just aren't in my budget.

Those other options are the "boutique" spin gyms that have opened over the past few years in NYC and around the country. SoulCycle, Flywheel, and Pablo Fitness are just a few of popular ones out here. I have heard they are all pretty awesome and all have cult-like followings. I have been dying to try one of them, especially SoulCycle because its so close to my apartment, but have always been so hesitant to try one of these places because they are expensive and I am afraid I would get hooked and want to keep going. And I can't afford a habit like that. On average, classes run about $33 a pop. (And that's NOT including the shoe rental. You have to wear clip-ins for their bikes.) In my opinion, that is insane. And what's even crazier is that people take these classes multiple times a week. (And are all geared up head-to-toe in expensive Lululemon attire too. Oh how the other half lives. Must be nice.)

Many of my friends know that I have been dying to try one of these classes and one of my good friends gave me a gift card for a class for my birthday. Perfect gift. I decided now was as good a time as ever to get my spin on.  (These classes are all supposed to be amazing, but this also can be dependent on the teacher. And since I don't know any of them, it will be a gamble my first few times.) With this gift card, I knew I would get a chance to get at least once of these bad-boys in. I had also heard that if you are a first-timer at SoulCycle they will give you your first class for $20 and free shoes. I signed up for my first class to pay the cheaper price and then I will use the gift card for my second class. I'm so smart and frugal. Naturally.

So was it worth all the hype? And the money? In a word: Hell yes. Okay, that was two words but I had to get my point across. I loved my first class. Loved. I left drenched and feeling amazing. Both are good things. Very good.

I had signed up online the previous day so when I got there, I signed in, got my shoes, put my stuff away and went to find my assigned bike. The room was packed and the class was full. I asked for help setting up my bike and clipping in and everyone was very helpful. The instructor was in fluorescent orange spandex and full of energy. Right on time, class began and we were off to a fast start right away. My kind of class. The lights were off so it was easy to focus on just yourself and your workout even though you were so close to the people next to you and in front and behind you. The music was incredible. Mash-up and mixes of top 40 hits and oldies alike.  It was like being in a club but instead of dancing, we were spinning. There was even a black light and disco ball that both went on at certain points during the workout. I was sweating my ass off. Arm sweat galore. I love seeing that shiny, glistening beads of serious sweat on my arms and hands when I have a hard work out. Its the best. What I didn't expect during this class (but was a pleasant surprise) was the weight and resistance training involved while still pedaling on the bike. I thoroughly enjoyed that because weight and resistance training is something I always skip in my workout and shouldn't. It was welcomed even though I bet I will be a tad sore tomorrow. A good sore I'm sure.

Overall, I could very easily become obsessed with this and think I am well on my way. Sure $33 is not in the budget, but I might have to make room. It's a healthy habit that's fun and makes me feel good about myself. There are not many things I can say that about, so for now this might be something I will have to save for. I am already thinking of my next class, perhaps an early-morning-before-work class this week and use my gift card. Then I will have to start saving my hard earned cash on these classes. I think it has to be done. Yep, I think it does.


  1. Sounds awesome! I know you love to glisten! Since you are not the other half, no need to worry about Lululemon. Glad you enjoyed. MAMA

  2. Apparently Flywheel has a FREE first time so I am going to give it a go as well. Can't hurt even though I fear I may already be spoiled.
