While I am a very open book a majority of the time either with my words (or my facial expressions), I do have a filter and know what is and is not appropriate to say. Most of the time. Somethings are just better left unsaid. So with that actually being said, here are some things that people (hopefully not just me) think but don't say out loud...
1. Invest in some Spanx. There are many woman that wear unflattering clothes for their body type. And it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. Their clothes might be too tight or just not fit well because of bulges or other imperfections which are all totally normal. We are human and don't all have the body of Victoria Secret models, but we can damn well still look good in a tight dress if we want to. One way to solve part of this problem is for the woman to get some Spanx. Spanx are magic. Invest in some. They will suck you in where you need to be sucked in and even you out and make you look a few pounds thinner. Trust me, I own quite a few pairs.
2. You should be arrested right now. When I see parents swear at their toddlers, (yes toddlers) on the train it absolutely disgusts me. I mean, really? This is why the apple doesn't fall far from the tree later in life. When grown woman tell their 2-year-olds to shut the fuck up, I am utterly disturbed. This has happened more times than I can count and it truly pains me to see. More often than not, the swearing is accompanied by a shove or smack. Of course no one says anything. If this person does this to their child, what the heck will they do to you if you butt in? In those cases, I just want to grab the child and hug them because chances are, they probably haven't had one of those in a long time.
Additionally, when I see parents give their toddlers pop through a fast food cup and then feed them french fries (or other equally unhealthy food), I just want to shake them. Unhealthy. Unhealthy. Unhealthy. This is why your child doesn't know how to eat properly. This is why your child will probably be overweight and develop diabetes. Give your child something nutritious that won't rot their teeth and clog their arteries.
Both of these come down to bad habits. Parents: please act like parents. Be responsible. This is a child. This is someone who mind and habits you are shaping. Be a good example.
3. Ew, can you picture them having sex? You ever see a couple down the street and then get a mental image of them "doing it." You want to ask the person you are walking with, or even a random stranger next to you if they can see these two getting it on and what a nasty, sweaty mess it would be? Am I totally gross for this? Maybe. But I can't say it doesn't cross my mind. These people probably invented the term "bumping uglies." Ick. But hey, good for them, they are getting it on the reg and that's more than I can say for myself.
4. Your child is ugly. Omigod, I am the worst person on Earth for even thinking that. Omigod, just for thinking that, I am going to have an ugly kid. Karma at its finest. Shit. Hopefully this isn't the case, but damn, (to reference Seinfeld), if your child is "breathtaking" I can't help but notice. I feel bad for even thinking this, but sometimes there are just ugly kids. I can only hope they grow out of it (and not get made fun of), but until then, yikes.
5. I think its time to remove that mole. "Moley moley, moley, moley, moley." You know that scene in Austin Powers: Goldmember, or my favorite scene in Uncle Buck when he tells off his nieces principal about her giant mole? Yeah, those kind of moles. When I see someone with an enormous mole on their face or their neck, I can't help but want to just cut it off. I know its out of their control, but they can get it removed if they want. And there are so many times when I wonder why they didn't. Yes, its superficial. But it doesn't go unnoticed. Also, honestly, from a safety point of view, sometimes I will wonder if those moles are cancerous and if that person is at risk. When they are that big, I am only thinking of their health. (And yes, their vanity too. Sue me.)
it is good to keep to ourself sometimes~
ReplyDeleteOh...you day what people are thinking...good for you! and yes Karma is a bitch, let's hope it doesn't come and bite you in the ASS!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is this blog that I read, and this woman just had a baby and it looks like uncle fester. No, seriously. I have tried SO hard to find this baby even remotely cute... but he is not. he IS uncle fester.... I literally have to hold myself back from commenting on her posts talking about how cute he is: "umm.. . you know he's uncle fester, right?"
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm right there with you. HAHA!