Sunday, June 12, 2016

Why Traveling Alone Rules!

Summertime is just around the corner, which for some people, is the perfect time to travel. Sure, it's the busy season, but for some of us (ahem, teachers), it's the only time we get an opportunity to really go away for an extended period of time. I usually plan a big trip for myself every summer and I go alone. A lot of people gasp at the idea of me traveling by myself and have two feelings toward it: 1) They think I'm so lucky to be single and have the flexibility and time to travel without worrying about planning around another person and 2) They feel sorry for me because I am going alone and wonder how I could possibly enjoy doing that. I actually go back and forth about feeling both of these ways but neither of them stop me from booking trips and traveling alone again. Sure, I would love a companion and someone to share all the amazing times abroad I have, but at the same time, there is something about traveling solo that is so thrilling and fulfilling.

I got back from London a few weeks ago and that trip was uh-mazing and I would go back tomorrow in a heartbeat. Heck, I would move there tomorrow if I could. But unlike the last three summers, I don't have my big summer trip planned yet. I haven't planned #RayRaysEuroVacay3 yet because I still am not sure if I am moving back to Chicago or not. (I know, I know, this decision should be made already. Ahhhhh.) If I am staying in New York, I am going to book a trip stat (Greece, Budapest, and/or Copenhagen), but if I am moving, I need to save as much money as I can because moving ain't cheap.

Although I may move to a new city and get to experience that in new ways, I think I will still miss traveling abroad and seeing someplace new. It has become such a learning experience for me in so many ways. I get to see the world and also learn more about myself. Sure, besides work, I am probably by myself about 95% of the rest of the time. Some of it is by choice and some of not so much, but I am so use to being alone that it's not a huge adjustment for me when I travel. In fact I've become so accustomed to traveling alone, I don't know how it would actually be if I had someone with me at this point. I'm so use to things MY way when I travel and doing what I want to do. It's really so great. I think everyone should travel solo once in their lifetime. Why you ask? Well, here are what I think are the best reasons to travel alone...

1) YOU make your own schedule. You wake up when you want. Go to bed when you want. You eat what you want and when you want. You go where you want. when you want, at the pace you want. You decide if you are going to walk, rent a bike, or take public transportation. You are not tied to anything (unless you have tickets for it) and can basically just explore as you please. Everything is up to YOU. 

If you know me, I am suuuuper Type-A and I schedule everything to a T for the first day or two (or everyday) of a trip. And once everything I planned to see and do is done (usually immediately and at a fast pace than even I expect), and I can check it off my list, I can start vearing off the beaten path and exploring more local stuff. This is an example of some things I do when I travel:
- I get up super early to run (and even earlier to catch the sunrise at least once).
- I walk a lot. Like, a lot-a lot. Like at least 15 miles a day, on average, usually.
- I don't like to sit for meals because I feel it wastes precious site-seeing time. I pack bars for breakfast, grab something quick for lunch, and then usually by dinner time, I'm exhausted and don't feel like getting dressed for a nice meal so I pick something up and take it to my hotel room and have a carpet picnic.
- I like to take a lot of pictures and I love a good photo op (Since I am alone, I am the queen of "excuse me, can you please take my picture" to strangers. I have zero shame in asking. And if I don't like the pic they took, I will ask them to take it again. See, zero shame. )
- I need to see all major tourist attractions at least once, no matter how crowded or corny. 
- I move through museums fast. I see what I need to see; check, check, and check.
- I walk around with a goofy, happy grin on my face most of the time out of pure happiness

2) You get a hotel room all to yourself. I have mentioned many times on this blog how much I love staying in my own hotel room. Even though I live alone in my own apartment, there is just something so luxurious about staying in a hotel room all by yourself. You don't have to make the bed every morning (something I do at home), the bed is usually so big, the bathroom is all cleaned up for you every single day, there are ice machines, and so much other goodness. It doesn't hurt that most hotel rooms are bigger than my apartment here in NYC also and I just appreciate the extra space. 

3) You really get to know yourself. This is probably the biggest takeaway of traveling alone. Sure, you see some amazing sites and get to see and experience things you can't imagine, but you learn at ton about yourself. Independence. Trust. Bravery. Confidence. Open-Mindedness. Curiosity. All of these things are gained from traveling alone. To be somewhere you've never been, not knowing much or any of the culture or language, navigating the streets of the city, and figuring out the public transportation, can all be very scary. You have to basically do some trial and error sometimes, but in the end, it usually works out and usually makes a great story and even better memories. On vacation, I find I am in a state of pure bliss most of the time. Even when I get lost, I always find my way back and can laugh at it, all while learning at the same time.

Also when traveling alone, I have a ton of time to appreciate all that I have in my life and how grateful I am to be on vacation. Additionally, while away from it all, it's a great time to reflect on what's working in my "real life" and what's not. Whenever I travel I think to myself "Could I live here?" And I think about the reasons why or why not and what they have to do with the life I'm currently living. What are the things that are making me happy? What are the things I need to start doing to be happier? Again, even though I am alone a majority of the time in "real life," I really seem to dig a little deeper emotionally (if that's even possible) with myself on vacation. 

Clearly, being able to travel by myself has been something I am truly grateful for each time I get to do it. Whether it's a 3-week long trip or even a quick weekend visit, I really love it and wish I could do it way more often. I wish I had enough money to go away multiple times a year because I would hop on another airplane tomorrow if it continue checking places off my bucket list and seeing the world. There are so many places I still want to visit, not only overseas, but also in the United States. Hopefully I will continue to be able to do what I love and continue to experience the joy that traveling gives me.

1 comment:

  1. For me at least i prefer to travel all alone with my own thoughts than to travel with someone.
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