Monday, July 30, 2012

Running Plusses

Now that I am into the start of week four of my marathon training, I am rediscovering some things I had forgotten about this whole consistent running thing. I am going to focus on all the good things that come of all of this because I am trying to be really positive about this whole training experience this time around since as previously mentioned, my motivation is lacking. Since I haven't really had a routine that included long runs in a long time (minus one week in May when I was finally feeling great), its actually feeling pretty decent to get back into it. Yes, its cutting into my social life a bit, but I need to work out anyway, so having the training is a good excuse for now.

Since I have been back in action, there are a few things I have recently re-discovered during training that I realized I really do enjoy and missed in my life in a bit. 

1) Wearing new running shoes. I make no secret of my love for gym shoes. I love them. I have more pairs than I'd like to admit. And while I don't workout in most of them (they are more for everyday wear), its the running shoes I get the greatest pleasure out of putting on for the first time. Those first few steps you take in them are like walking on air. And the first run in them is usually pretty awesome. It's like you have new legs. New running shoes are so cushy and comfortable and you wish they could stay that way for every mile you run. Unfortch that is not the case and they will eventually wear down, but then you get to put on that new pair of shoes again and voila, you get that feeling again!

2) Feeling the rush from a gel or jelly beans. The purpose of these "supplements" are to give a boost of energy, carbohydrates, and electrolytes during long runs, or even shorter ones on really hot/humid days. They don't work right away but you can tell when the rush starts to kick in and it feels awesome. It gives you a little extra pep in your step and I don't mind the taste either. As someone who never drinks caffeine (I am naturally perky. Duh.), I actually seek out the gels or beans with caffeine on this one occasion for more energy during these runs. 

3) Sweating. I love a good sweat from a great workout. I mean, who doesn't? There is nothing like it. Do I look or smell great doing it? Of course not. But it's pretty fantastic when you sweat out of pores you never even knew you had. It's just With the extreme heat this summer, I am not so proud of the amount of sweat produced while doing everyday tasks, but the amount I sweat exercising is even worse and actually quite embarrassing. Eh, what can you do? 

4) The cold shower when you get home. These summer runs are not cool. Literally. This summer isn't even halfway done and has been brutally hot already. Okay, enough complaining about this weather from me. It's out of my control. These runs have to get done no matter what. So moving on... Considering I have a sweating problem (not really an actual diagnosed problem, but I just sweat a TON), I will come in after a long run, let the sweat really come out a little more (you know what I'm talking about right?), then strip down and hop in a cold shower and really soak it in. It feels pretty awesome. After longer runs, I will even fill the tub with cold water, dump in a bag of ice, and just sit in there for a while. It's good for the muscles too. (And I will sit in there and drink a Muscle Milk at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone. Classic me.)

5) Runner's High. These sweet, sweet endorphins are pretty great. This is really what its all about. That feeling you get when you finish a 12-mile run, all before half of the people you know even get out of bed is pretty damn incredible. You just want to high-five yourself. (Or at least I do!) Its a great reminder of how strong both your mind and your body can be. I just need to keep reminding myself of this feeling and how much better it gets as the miles add up. Rarely do I ever get back from a long run and regret it. And if it's a great run where I get my mileage in and feel I could have kept going if need be, I am in such a fantastic mood. There is really nothing like it. That feeling makes waking up early, sweating profusely, and pounding that pavement so worthwhile.

As my mileage increases and things get a little more intense, I hope I keep up with this positive attitude and seeing the good in this marathon journey. I know I can do this because I have done it before and I just need to keep reminding myself of that. Running really is so good for my mind and body that I have to remember to keep it fun and stress-less. I know my body will continue to follow suit if my mind does.

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