This time around I am trying a different cleanse, the Blueprint Cleanse. Last time I had a hard time choosing between Blueprint and the Cooler Cleanse as both were equally popular and highly recommended. Cooler Cleanse won out because it was a little cheaper; however, this time I had a coupon code for Blueprint so I decided to give it a go. It's the same deal though: six juices a day for three days. Nothing else. Nada. Zilch. Just the juices.
The juices must be timed out well and drank in order. These are the six juices I will be drinking over the course of the next three days.
Juice 1: Kale, apple, ginger, romaine, spinach, cucumber celery, parsley, lemon
Juice 2: Pineapple, Apple, Mint
Juice 3: Kale, apple, ginger, romaine, spinach, cucumber celery, parsley, lemon
Juice 4: Lemon, cayenne, agave
Juice 5: Beet, apple, carrot, lemon, ginger
Juice 6: Cashew, vanilla, cinnamon, agave (More of a nut-milk than a juice. Ahhhh, nut milk. Hilarious. This never ceases to crack me up.)

I wanted to once again document what goes through my head each day of this cleanse. As thoughts popped in my brain, I kept track on the notes app on my phone. If you know me, you know I wouldn't dare make all my thoughts public because that would be crazy town. You don't want to get in my head. Trust me on this. With the first day of this cleanse under my belt, here is just a bit of what crossed my mind...
Day 1:
6:11 : "These juices look so pretty in my fridge. So colorful!!"
6:11 : "Good thing I have nothing else in my fridge besides water, condiments, and a bag of kale so there is no temptation here."
6:13 : "Ugh, I have to be at work by 7 this morn so I really need to space these out well so I am not done with all six by 4:00 and starving by 4:02."
6:25 : "Okay, this green juice isn't as sweet as I expected but its not too terrible."
6:38 : "Omigod that bacon, egg, and cheese smells damn good."
8:25 : "I am only one juice in and already peeing more than usual. This is going to be a long three days."
10:32 : "I could drink this pineapple juice all day, everyday. Freaking delicious."
10:34 : Remember that episode of the Kardashians with the pineapple juice?!?! Tehehehe."
11:04 : "I'm hungry. Grrrr. I could totally use a Cliff bar (or a hunk of cheese) right about now."
11:16 : "Seriously, my bladder is on overdrive. I should totally keep track of how many times I pee today."
12:35 : "Why yes I am going to Snapchat this pic of my juice bottle to my mom. Again."
12:38: "I really want my nut milk now."
1:10: "I'm full. So. Much. Liquid."
2:50 : "Spicy Lemonade...AKA fancy Master Cleanse....hmmmm...yum...whoa, lil' too spicy in the back of the throat. Hope it doesn't burn coming out like it is going in."
2:55 : "I can't work out while doing this so I guess I'll walk home from work. And I actually have quite a bit of energy and it's not super cold out yet. Yes!"

3:03 : "Have I mentioned I'm ready for the nut milk?"
3:15 : (Passing SoulCycle) "Hello lover. See you this weekend."
3:21: " I can't believe I made it home without having to pee."
4:28 : "I don't even know if I can handle more liquid but I need to get this beet juice down."
4:29 : "Ah, I remember the last time I had beet juice. Two words: red poop."
4:30 : "Is it time for the nut milk yet?"
6:12 : "Nut milk time!!!!!"
6:14 : "Yum. I'm better to savor this shit since it's the last thing I can ingest tonight."
6:48 : "Last sip. Really freaking good. Can't wait to drink it again tomorrow."
7:45 : " Okay, it's past 7:30 which now makes it acceptable (in my book) to get in bed now and relax.
8:15 : "How is there a human being on this planet as sexy as Idris Elba? Is he even real?"
Okay, there you have it; day one is in the books. I made it. I was lucky I fell asleep by 10:00 because last time I did this cleanse I was so anxious and wired it was hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. Although ten is kind of late for me on a school night (yes, I am huge loser and make no apologies for that), I kept busy at least. Thanks to doing my laundry and watching The Wire (best show ever!!!) I was able to not think about food. (Instead I had images of Stringer Bell dancing through my head. Swoon.) By the end of the day, I was exhausted, kind of full, and ready to tackle the second day of this cleanse. I felt lighter, disciplined, and semi-accomplished. Well on my way to what this cleanse is all about.
Make sure and stay tuned for the recap of rest of this cleanse over the next two days and you can continue on this journey with me. And go ahead, eat a nice juicy cheeseburger with a huge smile on your face while you read these, and I'll just sit here typing away while (voluntarily) drinking these bad boys. Cheers!
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