Just recently, one of my friends, who also writes a blog, wrote a post with her 2014 goals and that inspired me to do the same. Goals sound much better than resolutions because they are something you are continually working toward. With the new year coming and going and my 32nd birthday doing the same, it's time to really get it together and put pen to paper and make things happen. Now don't get me wrong, I am super together, but there is always room for improvement. I have been thinking a lot lately about what I can do to better myself (physically and mentally) this year, but not so much in the resolution sense, but in the lifestyle sense. I don't want these things to fall to the wayside after a few weeks (or months) which is why I think it was good to verbalize them and get them out there. By writing them and posting them, I am making them more real and therefore holding myself accountable.

While a lot of my goals are fitness related, there are some goals that are more overall lifestyle and wellness goals. Some of these might be achieved sooner than later and will take more work than others, but nonetheless, I want to achieve them. There is no timeline on achieving some of these goals, but I just want to make sure that I am keeping them in my sight and have the best intentions of following through.
1) Run another sub 2-hour half-marathon. For some people, this is cake. For me, it's a challenge. I have run 24 half-marathons but have never actually seriously trained for a single one. I literally just sign up, go on out to run 13.1 run miles and hope for the best. I run all year round so am always "in shape" enough to run these, but I think I should try and train for one and see what happens. I really do want to best my PR of 1:57:29 and training might finally get me there. This PR time was from three years ago in the NYC Half Marathon and I didn't even run the race under my name. My friend who got in the race decided last minute she wasn't ready and offered me her bib number. Even though I hadn't run in a while, I decided to take her up on her offer to fill in. I ended up running my best half marathon ever. In her name. Maybe it was because there was no pressure on me to do well? (I have a feeling this might be it!) Maybe I was just excited to get to run in the race (since I didn't get picked through the lottery)? Maybe the weather was just perfect that day? Whatever it is, I killed it and want to beat that time (under my name this time). If I did it once, I can certainly do it again.
2) Run a sub 4:30 marathon. This was my goal for the 2013 NYC Marathon and I did not achieve it. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Although I finished in my second fastest time ever, it just wasn't good enough for me. I know I didn't train as hard as I could have, but I also had a life to lead over the summer and maintaining balance and not getting burnt out was important to me. I know myself well enough to know that overdoing it would only backfire so I really went with the flow. I trained the least I have ever trained for a marathon weekly-mileage wise but still did decently. It always makes me think if I follow my training plan to a "T", I can do it. There are just so many factors that go into a race, but I am going try and control the ones that I can and take it from there.
3) Cross train and weight/resistance train more. (At least twice a week!) Running is not my whole life (although it is a huge part of it) and I need to start incorporating different workouts in my routine. There are some really fun fitness classes (SoulCycle, Revolve, Flywheel, Fhitting Room, Barry's Bootcamp, Exceed, etc...) around NYC and I want to start doing them more. (And then incorporating what I learn into my individual workouts.) Although some can be rather expensive, they are new and different and are full-body workouts for the most part. Perhaps I never taken them seriously before before for fear I wouldn't burn enough calories (since not all cardio) or that I wasn't physically strong enough to keep up. (I still do girl push-ups and this is not okay with me! Grrr...) Also, I always feared I would get injured or get too sore to run to my best ability while doing these. I have banished this fear and have started on this goal already and am already having fun with it. I am using muscles I haven't used in a while and trying an array of different fitness classes around town. And you know what, I'm having fun with it. Getting my ass handed to me a couple times a week (by a usually nice-looking trainer) and challenging my body is something I really enjoy doing and want to keep at. Plus, working and strengthening all my other muscles should help me succeed with my running goals. (And hey, it might be a great way to meet new people too.)
4) Complete a five minute plank. This is a goal I have had in mind for over two years and unfortunately my stomach has not cooperated by bad coincidence every time. Whenever I attempt to reach this goal, about halfway there, I always seem to get a UC flare and all workouts are put on hold. I am assuming it a coincidence, but I don't want it (or the fear of it) to hold me back anymore. The longest I have held a plank before is 3:30 and let me tell you, it is hard! After two minutes I really begin sweating. Like a lot. It's bizarre. In the past when I have started this goal, I have started at the usual minute plank and increased my time increments by 15 seconds every few days. Each increment would get harder in the best way possible. Hopefully as I begin this journey again, my stomach will cooperate and I can see it through.
5) Eat cleaner. I want to eat less processed food. Overall, I am a pretty healthy eater, but sometimes I eat stuff because it is low in calories even though its made with a ton of chemicals. This is not something I want to continue doing. Surely Shake Shack and Chipotle will sneak its way in my diet every now and then (I'm only human), but at least its fresh ingredients and not "fast food" in the sense of the word. But in general, more stuff that can either be hunted (more lean protein) or gathered (fruits, veggies, nuts, etc...) need to make their way into my diet on a more regular occasion. I want to look at the ingredients of packaged foods and be able to 1) not see a laundry list of them and 2) be able to pronounce them. I know sometimes this clean-eating stuff comes at a heftier price which does hold me back on occasion, but I want to do it as best I can with my financial ability. Realistically, I know I will eat highly processed stuff (um, some of it is super delicious) from time to time, but overall, I just want to be a little more conscious of what I put in my body.
6) Stop stressing the small stuff. So the train is delayed 15 minutes and I'm going to be late...Out of my control. That boy I really like just stopped texting back...Out of my control. It's raining out and I can't run outside today...Out of my control. Deep breaths. I'll be okay. I will. Really. I just need to keep reminding myself of these things. They are happening to tons of other people are they are living life just fine. I can do the same. I'm trying not to let as much stuff get to me because in the end, they are small blips on the radar that, repeat after me, are OUT OF MY CONTROL.
7) Get more involved with the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. Mostly everyone knows I have Ulcerative Colitis. I want to get more involved with the CCFA. I want to meet more people like me. I want to volunteer more and help raise money and awareness for this great cause that so greatly affects myself and my family.
8) Be nicer to myself. Out of all the goals on here, this is definitely going to be the hardest for me. And probably the most important. I am my own worst critic when it comes to my appearance, my abilities, and my feelings. There is probably no one meaner to me than I am to myself. This has got to stop. It must. If I can't love me, how can others? I need to embrace the me that I am and not continually pick myself a part. If I skip a workout or eat some ice cream, I can't beat myself up. If a boy doesn't like me back, I can't take it so personally and then sit back and pick out my flaws. I can't dissect every picture I'm in for everything that is wrong with my appearance or look in the mirror and fight back the tears. It has to stop. I really need to work on ME. This is serioulsy my number one goal but I think it will take the others to get me there. Only time will tell.
Writing this down and posting this makes it all so official. Like really official. And I am putting that in the most positive of ways. These goals need to be met. They have to. If not this year, then next. I have every intention of working my ass off to reach them and not letting them fall to the wayside. I may stumble along the way but as long as I get back on the horse, it's all good. Hopefully I will find success in achieving these goals and have them bring more happiness to my life.
#6 and #8 are big ones for me too!!