Monday, March 5, 2012

Welcome Back to Me (yes!) and Lindsay (not so much)

Well, I'm back. After a two week hiatus, I am back. When I took on this project in late August, I knew it would be hard. People start blogs all the time, and then stop after a few months, or even weeks. I honestly didn't want to be one of those people, and it was looking like I was going to be after 6 short months of writing this one. At the least, I wanted a solid year out of writing this blog so I will do my best to get to that. The problem is, I am afraid I will run out of material. (It's starting already.) And after being on vacation for a week, I think I came back a little too relaxed and lost my creativity and desire to write. So I took off another week.

This blog has been a good outlet for me thus far to voice my opinions on certain topics, make my random observations in life, and kind of just ramble sometimes. And it was sort of cathartic.  So here I am, ready to start again. I think. Hopefully more exciting things will start happening in my life, funny things will occur and more ideas will come to me.  And if they don't, hopefully there will be enough trashy TV and celebrity gossip to at least earn me a few more blogs.

And for the sake of this blog entry just being a sort of welcome back for me, I will include a funny video from Saturday's SNL episode with Lindsay Lohan as the host. It was her "welcome back" episode so to speak. Or was at least trying to be.  But she didn't kill it. I must say, after begging to be the host, Lindsay was less than stellar.  In fact, I noticed her playing second fiddle to the cast regulars and when she did have to speak, I constantly saw her reading the cue cards. It was so obvious it was sad. And don't even get me started on what she did to her face. Girl is 25 years old and looks like she is in her 40's. She looks more like Dina's sister than daughther. And this is not a compliment to either one of them. Lindz still has a long way to go and I am all for her comeback, but just don't have that much confidence in her. I hope she proves me wrong though. With that being said, if you didn't see the episode on Saturday and are a Real Housewives fan, def click HERE because this was by far the funniest skit of the night (and a few weeks).

I hope I have more success with my blogging again than Lilo did on SNL, but hey, I am gonna give it a go. Any ideas that you have for topics that I should write about in the future, please add to the comments section. I would really appreciate that. And of course I am always open to guest blogs as well. Thanks for reading and keep on keeping on. I will do my best to keep you entertained.

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