My mom (and grandma) are always on my case to find myself a nice Jewish boy to take home already. In NYC, its not that hard to find a Jewish guy, but for him to be nice AND good-looking is usually a challenge. It's usually one or the other and they usually go for the more Jappy, high maintenance girls. I don't get it, but whatever. To each their own, but I would like to eventually end up with someone Jewish. And if they aren't Jewish, you better believe my kids will be raised Jewish, but I am digressing a little. Anyway, Jewish boys aren't really my type, but these guys, fellow members of the tribe, have somehow or another grabbed my attention and if they weren't so famous, maybe they'd go for a nice, down-to-earth Jewish girl like myself.
1. Jason Segal. Pretty tall for a Jew. And I like it. But its Jason's sense of humor that is what makes him so attractive. Not only is he one of the best parts of How I Met Your Mother (along with NPH), but I still remember him from Freaks and Geeks. Additionally, his movie roles continually crack me up. If only the gym teachers at the school I work at were like him in Bad Teacher. I would hold your ball sac any day.
Sidenote: This girl obviously also finds Jason as attractive as I do and even made this awesome video for him. You go girl.

4. Adam Levine. Rockstar Jew? Who knew? Skinny and tatted up. Not exactly my usual cup of tea, but so damn cute. Rockers don't usually do it for me at all, but he is pretty adorable and rumored to have split with his Victoria's Secret model gf. You know, cause I am sure he'd go for me after that? Uh huh...sure.

5. Reid Rosenthal. (Was on The Bachelorette Jillian Harris' season). Although not a star, I remember watching him on TV and thinking "What is this nice Jewish boy doing fighting for this shiksa on reality TV?" He lives in Philly and is a successful realtor, but is now dating a former Miss USA so obviously I was not the only one that found him attractive. But it was his down-to-earth-ness that I really liked. He just seemed like a normal dude and a really good catch.
I wouldn't kick any of these guys out of bed if I had the opportunity. Besides being talented and nice looking, they are all Jewish. Triple threats if you will. If I ever have the chance to meet them, I will obviously sweep them off their feet and show them what a catch I really am. Kidding. But really, why can't I meet a nice, normal, Jewish boy who embodies all of these guys in one? Or at least is nice, good-looking, and funny. Is that too much to ask for?
I have been waiting patiently for another blog. YOu need to find that creative spark again!