People do all kinds of things in the park like play catch, do yoga, eat lunch, etc... I have even seen people fencing. Yes, that sport with the swords. The opportunities are pretty endless in good old Central Park. I sometimes see people doing things I am envious of that I say that I am going to do and actually have every intention of doing for the most part. Then I run out of time or can't find anyone to do it with me. Well, this summer, I want to change that. I want to make these things happen. One of the perks to being having the summer off and having most of my days free to do what I want. And if not the weekdays, it can happen on the weekends. I am not picky, I just want branch out a little more. These are some of the things I want to do in the park this summer...
2) Lay in a hammock. One summer like two years ago, these guys came to the park and set up a portable hammock. I was in shock and awe. And jealousy. How awesome was that? Yeah, it was prob a pain in the butt to carry it over there, but it was a pretty awesome set-up once it was there. They looked so comfy. (I don't have the space to buy one of these and they are prob expensive, but nevertheless, I will still look into it. Or else will track someone down that has one, and just borrow theirs.)

However if I can't do this with the man of my dreams, I would like to do it with my friends. Make it kind of a potluck one Sunday afternoon or something. I know it would be so much fun.
Central Park is one of those places where you can do practically anything. It's so close to my apartment and when the weather is nice, there is no better place in the city to spend the day. As summer approaches, I am excited at the prospect of what it holds and fun that I am going to have. Think about combining number three and number one, followed by two, then four. Now that's a full day. And one that I am sure would be a complete blast!!
yes. bocce ball. yes. watermelon. yes. picnic. Sorry I can't get on board with the hammock, they make me a little nauseous and I'm not quite sure how to get in them ok?