I officially became a New Yorker last year when I hit the ten year mark. Even though I caught on pretty quickly on how to survive and succeed here, myself of any of my family members expected me to still be out here after all this time. But, I love this city. The architecture. The food. The opportunities. The pace. The energy. There is just something special about New York. Some people can't handle it, but I think I thrive on it and feed off it. It just suits me. As much as I love Chicago and my family there, New York has a hold on me and a very special place in my heart.
There are things that I don't think I will ever get sick of seeing here. They never get old for me and each time I see and/or experience them, I leave with a giddy feeling and a smile on my face. Sometimes this happens multiple times a week and I just can't believe my life. There are those "I can't believe I live in New York" moments. They actually happen quite frequently and its actually amazes me that it still makes me so happy and grateful to live here. Since today is my 11th year anniversary, here are 11 things that never get old to me and also make me feel so lucky to live in New York City.
1. Seeing the sun rise over the reservoir in Central Park. As an early morning runner this is something I treasure. This is something that gets me out of bed in the morning when I don't want to. And this is something that sometimes makes me stop in my tracks. Seeing the sunrise over the reservoir and the pinks and purples and yellows and oranges in the sky as the day is beginning gives me a lot of joy. In the winter when it's still too dark and the start and end of my run to even catch it makes the times when I catch it to perfection even better. (And you better believe I try my best to capture a picture and gram that shit!)

2. Looking up and seeing the Freedom Tower. This can be on the West Side highway while running. Or while downtown just getting off the train at Fulton. Or walking down 6th Avenue in the teens and seeing it. I just love, wherever I am, looking up and seeing it. It gives me a sense of pride for the city.
3. Running parallel with the Statue of Liberty. There is just something so inspiring about running along the Hudson river and l just seeing Lady Liberty. I run the west side at least once a week and sometimes I go north and head to the Little Red Lighthouse (a NYC hidden gem I also love!) and sometimes I run south. And on some extremely long training runs I head north AND south. By the time I get the Statue of Liberty in my sight, I almost always pick up speed and intensity. I just find it so damn cool to see her. It gives me an extra push and also, just like the Freedom Tower, a sense of pride. It's also just pretty cool to see something that has so much history and people travel thousands of miles to see be "the norm" in terms of scenery on a run.

are closed for runners and bikes. It starts at 72nd and Park Ave and goes all the way downtown to the Brooklyn Bridge. To have the streets all to ourselves with no cars is awesome. It'svery uniting for the runners because it's rare we get to run these streets without traffic. It's a powerful feeling.
5. Taking the subway above ground between Brooklyn and Manhattan. When the subway becomes elevated, I become like a little child. I turn around and become fascinated with everything outside the train window. The skyline. The graffiti. The changing scenery. I love it. There is nothing to see underground so being above ground gives you things to look at. And if you've ever been on the train going over the East River when the sun is setting over all the other bridges, its pretty spectacular.
6. My Saturday morning routine. Run and Juice. Or Spin and Juice. This has become my usual Saturday morning routine and I love it so much. I even miss it a ton when I'm not in the city on a Saturday morning. If you didn't know, on Saturday mornings from 9-12, if you take a picture from your run and Instragram it with the hastags #willrunforjuice, #juicepress, #jprunclub, you can bring it in to Juice Press and get a free juice. It's pretty much one of the best things ever. A post-run watermelon juice is now a must for me (along with my chocolate milk). I look forward to it each week.
7. Cool Street Art. I've taken a liking to stumbling upon or even seeking out cool street art that I've heard about online or on IG. There is so much of it here in NYC and it can be one of those things that's here today and gone tomorrow. I love anything from inspirational quotes on the sidewalk from DeLaVega or Honschar to big murals to random inspirational graffiti. There are some pretty talented graffiti and mural artists here and to see some of that stuff in person is pretty f'ing cool.
8. The New York City Marathon. Running all five boroughs.
9. Getting a banana from a fruit stand. This sounds dumb, but its something truly unique here. I am hungry often; this is no surprise to anyone. I do my best to try and grab a healthy snack when my hunger hits me when I'm out and about. Well, a cheap and good for you snack is a banana so it gives me such satisfaction when I am walking around and can just grab a banana from a fruit stand and keep on my merry way without having to stop in a store or even a bodega.
10. Coming across a street fair on a summer day. Sure they all have the same crap, but I'll take a walk through. I don't drive so these blocking off streets doesn't affect me in the least. But I like stumbling upon one on a random Saturday or Sunday and walking through seeing all the same booths, food, and stuff every time, but I still won't pass one up. I won't seek them out, but more often than not, I find one on my weekend adventures.
11. Seeing a celebrity just living their life. On the street. In my spin class (hey there Kelly Ripa). In line at the Apple Store. Wherever it is and no matter how Z-list they may be, it will never NOT be cool. My eyes still light up and I get all excited. Celebs, they're just like US. And there are a lot of them in New York just living their lives like me and doing the same things and not being hassled. (On a similar note, I also love seeing them film movies and TV shows. It gives me a little excitement. It's so cool that my home is the background for something (maybe) famous. I mean stumbling across an episode of Law and Order or even a big-time movie is always going to be something a little thrilling for me.)
Seriously, NYC is one hell of a city. In just a two mile by 13 mile island there is so much magic. And I know I've said it a few times already in this post but I feel lucky to live here. A lot of my favorite New York experiences happen while I'm running. That isn't really a coincidence since I spend a lot of time exploring the city on my runs. Even though I've lived here a while now, I still will see new things on my runs or use running as a way to seek these things out (like having the Rockefellar Christmas tree all to myself this past winter). It's a fun way to explore any city, and I use it to my advantage all the time. Although I have covered a ton of ground in the city, there is always more to see (including the outer boroughs). There is simply no place like it. So I am wishing a very happy 11th Anniversary to myself and NYC!! I will continue to take in all I can and embrace this great city.
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