Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Grow the F*** Up

I consider myself to have a pretty short temper. Well, maybe not so much a short temper, but little patience for stupidity, immaturity, and the ridiculous.  Little things aggravate me, but don't set me in a rage. It's not like I need anger management or anything, but certain things set me off more than others. When these times occur (like the case of the laundry bitch), I am what my mom would describe as "wild." I start to shake, I have to clench my fists, and I really have a huge desire to hit someone or something. Of course I would never lay my hands on anyone, but in those cases, I wish I had a punching bag in my immediate vicinity and could let out a very loud scream to release some of the anger. I try to vent to my mom or my friends and then try to walk it off, and sometimes it cools me down. Sometimes it doesn't.

Like I said, this rarely happens, but it just happened the other day. I was at work minding my own business playing on my phone. I went on Facebook and saw that I had a message.  I opened it immediately and noticed it was from my ex-boyfriend. The same ex-boyfriend who asked me to never contact him again in order to move on with his life and his new girlfriend (who is now his fiánce). The last time we had any contact with each other he once again told me how happy and in love he is. He loves reminding me and himself this little tidbit of information. If you need to keep telling yourself this over and over again, then its a little strange. I get it, since I broke up with you, you want to rub it in a little more that you found someone before me. Totally fine and understandable. But still a little weird. Anyway, because any relationship we had, romantic and platonic, was officially over, it was odd that I received any sort of message from him. All that it said was "I appreciate the thoughts on Father's Day but please unlike. Thanks." I was totally confused by this statement and wrote back "What are you talking about?" I was puzzled. I had zero idea what he was talking about. After being outraged for a second for him writing me to unlike something I clearly didn't like in the first place, I re-read the message. At this point I noticed his picture icon was one of his father. Then it hit me. He must have taken an old profile pic of his father that he used years ago and reposted it for Father's Day. I probably liked it years ago and he thought I just recently did. Idiot. 

He wrote back a few minutes later that it came across his newsfeed that I liked his picture. Um...impossible. Complete horseshit. We are no longer FB friends. Therefore I cannot see any information on his FB page besides his profile and cover page. However, even with that, because we are not friends, I cannot like (or unlike for that matter) anything on his page. He clearly does not realize this. This is one mini-problem with the whole situation. I will get to the larger ones in a second as I am sure you are dying to know. I wrote him back stating that we are no longer friends so it is impossible for me to like something on his page.  I did not write it that politely and I may or may not have called him an ass and told him to grow up. Maybe. Whatever. I was in a full blown rage at this point. The man is 33 years old, recently engaged, and claims to be the happiest person alive. Here is the problem: If this is the case and you are in this wonderful relationship, why would you give a flying fuck if I actually did like your picture?

Here are my major issues with the situation:
1) You asked me over a year ago to never write on your FB wall (when we were friends) and not to like anything and basically be invisible in your social network life. Fine. Although I thought you were insane and your girlfriend was an insecure pyscho, I respected your wishes. The fact that you would think I would randomly like a picture of yours over a year later, especially when I am not your FB friend anymore is absolutely ridiculous. Ridiculous.

2) You are now engaged to be married to someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.  And you are madly in love with. And the happiest you have ever been. (All your words, over and over again.) If this relationship is 100% the real deal, you or your fiánce shouldn't give two shits if I like it or not. Are you still not over us? Is your fiánce that insecure that I liked the stupid picture way back in the day? We broke up over five years ago and you have been dating her for like two years. I am not a threat. I want you to be happy. Truly. But I am not in your life to be able to wish you so. We have both moved on. WTF is going on here? You are ADULTS!!! Grow the fuck up. I should not be a blip on your radar. I mean in the grand scheme of things, me supposedly liking a FB picture is a non-issue.

This whole very short interaction today really set me off. When I did get home from work, I did go to his FB page (for the first time in a long time) and he had already changed his profile pic again to himself and his fiánce (of course). If I was going to unlike his photo as per requested, I couldn't even do so. I can't access anything on his page. Nada. That's because we are NOT friends. Not on FB and not in real life.

Dude, I am out of your life and you are out of mine. Or at least I thought I was. I didn't realize my previous like (from over four years ago) of a picture would haunt your current relationship. It really is pathetic. Whatever the case may be, this situation solidified the fact, once again, that I am grateful that you and your ridiculous and immature behaviors are out of my life. There is a reason I broke up with you and these types of behaviors just confirm I made the right decision. So thanks again for that. And hey, good luck with this relationship. It seems pretty solid.

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