There are a lot of popular movies from the late eighties/early nineties that are cult hits among women my age.
Movies that we grew up with and still love today. Troop Beverly Hills. Pretty Woman. Goonies. Dirty Dancing. Revenge of the Nerds. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. And the list goes on.
These movies have continued to be popular and loved through the years and are still even on TV today quite often. They are also movies that I will watch every time they are on even though I own ALL of them.
Then there are the more forgotten-about movies that I use to also love when I was younger. Maybe I just forget about them because they aren't on nearly as often, but if I do happen to catch them, I get super excited! These are also classics. At least to me. Hopefully you have heard of these and know how great they are. And if not, you might have missed out a tiny bit in your youth. Its okay though.
1) My Boyfriend's Back. This was actually a made-for-TV movie, but I loved it. I actually bought it off Amazon last year and have watched it quite a few times since. This movie had a great cast: Sandy Duncan, Judith Light, and Jill Eikenberry to name the bigger names. It's about an all girl's singing group from the 60's that broke up after fighting and is asked to get back together for a reunion special in the late 80's. The music and the plot are so great (there is even a mini love triangle) and I highly recommend this to anyone who hasn't seen it.
2) She's Out of Control. I mentioned this movie in a previous post about
"It girls" of the late eighties/early nineties movies. It is totally cliché with the ugly ducking getting a makeover and becoming a gorgeous, popular beauty. This always happens in movies and yet everyone is surprised. Of course, right?
3) Teen Wolf. Michael J. Fox was such a super stud in this movie. As kind of a nerdy teenager, he inherited a trait from his father that turned him into a werewolf when angered. Surprisingly enough, this made him super popular but he after a while he wanted to be liked for himself and not for being the wolf. And no, for someone who watches as much MTV as I do, I did not watch a single episode of the
Teen Wolf TV show they aired. Just couldn't do it. The whole vampire/werewolf thing doesn't do it for me, even though it is everywhere now. But I will stick with the old standby here and leave it be as I remember it: being awesome.
4) The Witches. Based on Roald Dahl's book, this movie was incredible. Angelica Houston as the Grand High Witch was perfect casting and she nailed it. It also had me on the look-out for scary looking women in square shoes, with wigs and gloves, who seemed to sniff out children. Were there really witches blended in with the rest of the population? Maybe. And poor little Luke who had it all figured out and has to tell his grandma but he has been turned into a mouse by the witches. Man, talking about this really makes me hope this comes on TV again. Soon.
5) Cutting Edge. Oy, I love this movie. When I was younger I used to figure skate. I always thought it would be awesome if when older, my boyfriend/husband and I were a pair skating couple. I mean, how awesome would that have been? And we would clearly go to AND win the Olympics because were were that great on the ice and with our chemistry. However, that was not the route I have taken nor do I think that would have worked out too well for me since I did give up ice skating in fifth grade. (Maybe that's why I am still single? I should have stuck with it?!) But anyway, this movie has it all from the love story, to the ice skating and the pamchenko and the infamous "toe pick."
Honorable Mentions: Mermaids (Cher and Winona. Yes!!) and Harry and the Hendersons (I mean, a friendly Big Foot?! Crazy.)
Who remembers these? Did you love them as much as I did? I wish they were on TV more often. Maybe I will have to go on Amazon and buy a few more to add to my already awesome collection. But if I do that, I might not be as excited when they are TV. Who am I kidding? Of course I will. And of course I will watch them in their entirety as if I am seeing them for the first time. Some things never change.
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