Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Heart Lists!

If you are a constant reader of this blog, you may have learned, or even noticed that I love making lists. I have a ton of them on here. Lists of things that I love. Things that annoy me. Movies I know by heart. Songs I shake my ass to. Men I want to marry. You get the point though.  Lists help me organize my thoughts and ideas. And I find them to be more pleasurable to read than regular paragraphs and complete sentences.

I am such a type-A personality and you will find lists on Post-It's around my apartment, on my phone, and in my planner. (Yes, I still buy a Chandler's every school year and it's gives me tremendous pleasure to fill it out each July.) There are few greater pleasures in life than to cross something off a list after you do it. Complete satisfaction. I will even admit sometimes I will add stuff to my list that don't necessarily need to go on there and do it quickly just to cross it out.
Anyway, because I was once again in a list making mood (shocking, I know!) I decided to make another list of lists.Yes, that's right, a list of all the different kind of lists I like to create.

1) Packing list. Whenever I go on vacation, whether its for a weekend or for a month, I must make a list of things to pack. It's a must. I hate forgetting things. God forbid I forget my strapless bra or my favorite dress. Or even matching sandals. Sheesh. When I think of the things I need/want to bring, I write it down. And this is especially important for toiletries and electronic chargers. And did I mention I usually start this list at least a week in advance to my departure. Totally normal, right? Right?

2) Errand list. This is essentially my "To-do" list. Laundry, Target, the library, the bank, etc... And sometimes within this list is another list. Like the things I need to do or purchase at the locations I have listed.  I usually put these lists in order of location to so I can cross them off one-by-one in order. Yes, I am a loser. 

3) Grocery list. Of course this is necessary. But do I follow it all the time? No. Do I buy extra things not on my list? Duh. I mean if Peanut Butter M&M's are on sale and are not on my list, you best believe I will make that purchase.  That goes without question. When I go to places like Trader Joes, I want to make sure I have a list so I get everything I need because it can be such a pain to forget something from there since it's not super convenient and always super crowded.

4) Music to download list. If I hear a song that I like that I want to download I must add it to my list immediately. Especially if I have to Shazam it to find out what it is. (That's right, I just used Shazam as a verb.) I add the song(s) to my list and then one day I will sit down and add a bunch to my iTunes. This gives me such excitement for my next workout because having new music is new inspiration and energy. It's also pretty fun for a solo dance party in the apartment. 

5) Books I want to read list. With summer coming, I will have time-a-plenty to read and I want to make sure I have enough material to keep me entertained and occupied.  I check out the New York Times Best Seller List pretty frequently and also I will see book reviews in some of the magazines I read. People Magazine and even Shape and Fitness sometimes offer reviews of books that pique my interest. I don't want to overload my library reserve list because I don't want all the books to come in at once and not have time to read them, so I keep a list and add a few at a time.

6) Travel/Sight-Seeing list. When I travel to a place I have never been before I do my research. I don't want to go somewhere and potentially miss something very important to see or something delicious to eat. I will get travel books and highlight and underline them in order to make my plan of attack for my travel destination. (Once again, this is where my type-A-ness really comes into play.) I will then make a list of the highlighted places and make myself a giant list of all I need to see and do (sometimes in a day-by-day manner and also in order of location). I will carry this list with me the entire time and make sure and do all I have planned if time permits. I like to get the most out of my trip and by making this list, I know I won't miss a thing. 

And finally, lets not forget this list: My List of Lists. It might make me look a little OCD and make you realize how anal I can sometimes be. But I consider myself to be a productive and efficient young woman and I do not believe I would be that way without my lists. Lists keep me sane. They keep me organized. And they make me, me.

****Also, I just created a FB page for this website. So please add to your "to-do-list" to click on this link and "Like" my page!!! I will APPRECIATE it. Thanks.  ****

1 comment:

  1. My favorite list is always the "Lists of lists".
