Yesterday I ran 20 miles. Solo. Well, just me and my iPod. We get along so well because I trained her so well. She has new jams and old jams. Some hip hop, some pop, some R&B, and some electronica. There is quite an electic selection of songs on there but since I have freaking fantastic taste in music, all the songs are great. Obvs. There are some songs though, that I get much more excited to hear than others and really get me going. No matter how old these songs are, I will never get sick of them. They were songs I played over and over when they first came out and now when they randomly show up on my shuffle, I am thrilled and get totally pumped.
Do you have songs like that? You must, right? In no particular order, these are the songs that never, ever get old for me. I know all the words to them and all have great beats. Just take a listen and see if they get you as hyped and excited as they do for me.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I'm never drinking again...Psych!
I usually wake up after a night of heavy drinking dehydrated, in a panic, and race out of my bed making sure that I have my cell phone and my wallet. You know you've been there? I assume I have my keys because I am in my own apartment so I had to get in somehow. After I recover these (phew!), I realize my head is pounding, and I need to quickly get back in bed and go right back to sleep before my head explodes. Sounds awful, right? Well even though this feeling totally sucks, its usually the result of a great night. Yup, feeling like shit the next day usually means I had a pretty fucking fabulous night out. Sometimes this happens on a weekday and I have to drag my ass to work and sometimes this happens on the weekends where I can lay in bed all day long. Hangovers suck, but sometimes they are just worth it.
Those mornings where you are like "I am never drinking again" seem to happen to me quite often. With my "go hard or go home" personality, sometimes I tend to drink a bit too much. Eh, what can you do? I'm still (semi) young and fun and want to party. And sometimes, because of my habit of overindulging, things can happen.
Those mornings where you are like "I am never drinking again" seem to happen to me quite often. With my "go hard or go home" personality, sometimes I tend to drink a bit too much. Eh, what can you do? I'm still (semi) young and fun and want to party. And sometimes, because of my habit of overindulging, things can happen.
Monday, September 16, 2013
My Scoop on Poop
When I was in college, one of my guy friends insisted that girls
didn’t poop. He truly believed that when girls went to the bathroom,
they released little pink pellets. I mean, this was a 20-year old guy
who still refused to believe that us females don’t go to the bathroom
and take a giant dump. Apparently his mother never read “Everybody
Poops” to him as a child because man, did this kid need a wake-up. Or
she read it to him and he was traumatized from that point on. Whatever
the case may be, this kid needed a reality check. And so do so many
other guys. It may not be that ridiculous of a point as the pink pellet
kid, but I don’t know why there is such a double standard between guys
and girls regarding burping, farting and pooping. It’s hilarious when
they do it or talk about it, but gross when we do. Not okay.
I don’t know what it is about some guys, but they absolutely refuse to believe that girls poop, fart, or burp and some even try to make us feel bad about it. Well guess what gentleman? Surprise, surprise, us girls are just like you! We go number two. We let ‘em rip. And we belch. And I am not going to ever pretend that I don’t do these things or apologize for doing them. They are part of nature and I for one, am not embarrassed by them. I poop. I fart. And man-oh-man do I burp. But why are some people so weird about this stuff? I really have no idea. We all do it. Spend a few hours with me and I am sure the topic of poop will come up, I I will most def impress the hell out of you with one of my monster burps, and I may even crop dust as we walk down the street. (Don’t worry guys, there’s plenty of me to go around, so don’t all line up at once to request a day to hang.)
I don’t know what it is about some guys, but they absolutely refuse to believe that girls poop, fart, or burp and some even try to make us feel bad about it. Well guess what gentleman? Surprise, surprise, us girls are just like you! We go number two. We let ‘em rip. And we belch. And I am not going to ever pretend that I don’t do these things or apologize for doing them. They are part of nature and I for one, am not embarrassed by them. I poop. I fart. And man-oh-man do I burp. But why are some people so weird about this stuff? I really have no idea. We all do it. Spend a few hours with me and I am sure the topic of poop will come up, I I will most def impress the hell out of you with one of my monster burps, and I may even crop dust as we walk down the street. (Don’t worry guys, there’s plenty of me to go around, so don’t all line up at once to request a day to hang.)
Sunday, September 15, 2013
18 Miles and LOTS of Thoughts
I am once again training for the NYC Marathon this year. November 3 can't come fast enough because I am so ready to end this training period. Seven weeks from today is the big day. I am going to nail this 26.2. I have to.
This morning I ran the ING Tune-Up, an 18-mile race in Central Park. It consists of three loops of the park. If you've ever run that outer loop of Central Park, you know it's hilly. In a nutshell, doing three of them sucks balls. But hey, it's gotta be done. It's good practice after all.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
A Few Do's and Don'ts of Online Dating

Thursday, September 12, 2013
Sorry I'm not Sorry
Since I live alone and do a lot of things alone, I am not use to that much judgement by some of my actions. If I ever do live with someone again I will either have to hide these "weird" habits, stop doing them all together (not likely), or just do them and hope the other person still wants to stick around. None of these are abnormal, per se, but they might not be everyone's cup of tea and may think I'm a little cray-cray.
I am someone who is very stuck in her ways and routines and habits and am not ashamed of any of them. They make me who I am and those that know and love me, accept these things. They may make fun of me or call me out on them sometimes if it becomes excessive, but they know it is part of who I am. However, I make no apologies for some of my behavior. So you know what, sorry I'm not sorry for these.
I am someone who is very stuck in her ways and routines and habits and am not ashamed of any of them. They make me who I am and those that know and love me, accept these things. They may make fun of me or call me out on them sometimes if it becomes excessive, but they know it is part of who I am. However, I make no apologies for some of my behavior. So you know what, sorry I'm not sorry for these.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Passport to Fitness
no secret I love to workout. I run and spin at least five times a week.
It keeps me sane, helps me sleep, and I'd like to think keeps me
healthy. I always wish I had the time and money to try all the
fun and cool fitness crazes constantly popping up in New York City. I've jumped on the SoulCycle bandwagon but beyond
that and a few others here and there (Flywheel, Revolve, PedalNYC, Yoga to the People), I've never really ventured out into other fitness classes because of location, timing, and money.
These classes are located in all
different neighborhoods around the city and there truly is so much to be offered. Classes I am
interested in range from yoga to pilates to crossfit to HIT training to
other spin classes to all around body conditioning and so much more. The
thing is, in New York City, many of these awesome 45-55 minute classes
range anywhere from 20-40 dollars a class. To
quench my curiosity into some of these classes on a budget, I recently I purchased
something called the Classtivity Passport. This passport is $49 and in a 30 day period you can try out ten classes of your choice from their
long list of boutique fitness gyms and clubs. Sounds awesome, right?
Well it is!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
What NOT to do on the Subway
I wrote about subway etiquette about two years ago on this blog and its a topic of conversation often between myself and my friends. Because we ride the subway so frequently we see lot of very rude and inconsiderate people doing ridiculous (and sometimes very gross things.) This past weekend, I saw something on the train that I have thankfully never seen before, but was horrifying. Of course I felt the need to write about it. It's also posted on Jones and B. Enjoy!
I’ve lived in New York for nine
years now and have seen my fair share of weird and gross things
happening on the subway. I’ve seen someone walk in, take a piss, and
walk out. I’ve seen a child lick a subway pole up and down. I’ve seen
someone light up a joint. I've seen someone projectile vomit. You get
it, I've seen some nasty stuff. However, my ride Friday night on the
uptown 6 train had to take the cake of the most horrifying subway sight
I’ve seen. My family was in town and we were heading back home from
dinner downtown. We all got on the train at Bleecker Street and then
around 33rd street, a guy got on the train on his motor
scooter. He appeared to be homeless based on his clothing and apparent
lack of personal hygiene. He then covered his lap and his arms with his
jacket and his right arm began pumping. Yup, this dude started jacking
off on his scooter while on the train. My dad and I looked at each other
with wide shocked eyes. No words needed to be exchanged. We simply
couldn’t believe what we were witnessing. We looked around to see if
anyone else was seeing
what we thought we were seeing, and based on some of the other people’s
facial expressions they most certainly were. This guy was clearly
masturbating. Holy shit. It was like a solar eclipse in the sense where
you shouldn’t stare, but you can’t look away. Besides my dad and I,
there seemed to be about another ten or so other people that knew
exactly what was going on and we were all exchanging glances and
mouthing words to each other. Was this for real? Um, yes. Yes, it was.Friday, September 6, 2013
A Girl's Guide to Football Sunday
Exciting news everyone: I am now also writing for the website Jones and B. Def click that link and check it out. It's a really fun, new blog on a number of topics and I am super excited to be writing for them, as well as continuing to post here. Everyone here knows I am a big sports fan so as long as football season just started, why not write a post about a female's point of view of Sunday Funday during football season? So without further adieu, here is my first post for the Jones and B website that I am also posting here. Why you ask am I posting here too? Because I wrote it, I like it, and I want peeps to not only read it here, but check out all the other awesome posts over there! Enjoy.
Well ladies, summer is basically over which pretty much
blows. It’s getting darker earlier, our tans are fading, and it’s almost time
to retire the sandals for the season. Blah. On the plus side, the weather is
getting crisper, Halloween candy is out in stores, and football has finally
started up again. Woohoo. As a female, many might not think I care that much
about it football, but newsflash: I care. Born and bred in Chicago, I am a
Bears fan through and through. And I know and love my football. Although the
Bears continually disappoint me season after season, it does not stop me from
rocking my Urlacher jersey every Sunday, talking shit to whomever will listen,
and enjoying the game. Whether I am out at a bar or in the confines of my own apartment,
football Sundays pretty much rule. (And a MNF isn’t so bad either.) I mean, what
beats a day of watching jacked, grown men in tight white pants running around a
field? Dayum.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Slow your "Role"
Okay, Okay, we all know I watch a lot of TV. And a lot of it is what some would consider trash-TV. Most of it is reality TV and I tend to find most of it supremely entertaining and totally worthwhile which is why I tune in week after week. It gives me joy and I'm so not ashamed to admit it.
There are many people that "hate-watch" many of the shows I like because so many people are unlikeable, but I watch simply because I enjoy them. (And yeah, maybe a miniscule amount of hate-watching too. You got me there.) In my opinion, many of these shows have likeable people for the most part and even those who you root for; however, there are some people who, when they come on my screen, make me want to punch them in the face. And since I can't do that, they make me want to change the channel. But do I do that? Of course not! That would just be silly.
There are many people that "hate-watch" many of the shows I like because so many people are unlikeable, but I watch simply because I enjoy them. (And yeah, maybe a miniscule amount of hate-watching too. You got me there.) In my opinion, many of these shows have likeable people for the most part and even those who you root for; however, there are some people who, when they come on my screen, make me want to punch them in the face. And since I can't do that, they make me want to change the channel. But do I do that? Of course not! That would just be silly.
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