Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Need to Take the Car for a Test Drive

On Sunday night a new show premiered on TLC called The Virgin Diaries. And let me tell you, I could not turn away. At all. The show features men and women that are virgins and follows their story lines for one episode. This first episode followed an engaged couple (aged 27 and 29), a single 35-year-old man, and 3 single female virgin roommates (aged 29, 29, and 30). One of these girls is a born-again/reclaimed virgin, and frankly, that doesn't count to me. Sorry Sweetheart.

I usually don't stay up to watch these shows but this one really piqued my interest and had me up past my bedtime. Screw the DVR tonight, I wanted to watch this bad boy in real time. And man was I glad I stayed up. This shit was fantastic. I mean, think about it...Do you know any 30 year old virgins? Or even any 20-year old virgins? Most likely not, so therefore our fascination with them increases ten-fold. This is probably the reason TLC decided to do a show on it. Brillz.

Now hear me out, I understand if someone wants to save their virginity until their wedding night. Completely legit. Your virginity is something very special to give your partner. Props to you for holding onto it. That is not that path I would take, but good for them. To each their own. I am a firm believer in test driving the car before you buy it whether you are virgin or not to begin with. (It's not worth the risk of getting a lemon...if you know what I mean. I mean, ask Charlotte in SATC!) I am sure saving yourself for marriage takes a lot of self control, and it will make the wedding night that much more special, but that is not in the cards for me. In fact, that ship has sailed. And its far, far away.

Not to be outdone by straight up virgins, there is also one couple on the show, that takes saving themselves to a whole other level: They haven't even kissed on the lips. They are also saving that for their wedding day. I mean, really? Who has that kind of self-control? And with someone they love?  But let me tell you, that first kiss...it was just....wow. Look out. As soon as the priest said "You may kiss the bride" there was an awkward pause between the couple and then WHOMP, they started kissing like they were eating each others faces off. And there was no stopping them for the rest of the night. Even their families found it humorous slash repulsive.  I of course, could not look away. I covered my mouth in horror and shock. Is this for real? Why yes, yes it is.
Waiting to kiss someone is for sure not even an option with me. I couldn't imagine not kissing someone within the first three dates, let alone a whole courting and engagement. I mean, that's just plain weird. (But this is coming from the girl who has made out with multiple dudes in one evening.) I just don't get it. That must take some serious restraint (and even more serious male (and female) blue balls). Ouch.

On top of being virgins, these people obviously don't drink alcohol either (also fine, but not my thing) or else the kissing and/or sex would (or should) have happened already. Casey, the 35 year-old virgin, who isn't necessarily a virgin by choice, went on a first date with one woman and revealed his virginity status to her to which she replied "Didn't you ever get hammered in college?" and then told the camera in her confessional "He needs to get hammered....and find a girl...that's hammered. And Just do it." Hahahaha. Truth. Right there. I mean, honestly, I truly think that anyone if someone, male or female, wants to get laid on any given night, it can be done. A dark bar, lots of alcohol, and little shame. Done and done. Happens all the time. All the time.

However, on the flip side, I completely understand if you've waited this long already, you really should save it for someone special. And you def should. But yes, the pressure will continue to mount. If you are like Casey and just want to "get it over with," I am sure you can find many willing participants that do not include prostitutes (which his mother suggested to him). So get on that...literally AND figuratively. 

Overall, this show was seriously fascinating and I cannot wait to tune in next week and see who they feature. And if you missed it on Sunday, find it on your guide and set your DVR. Now.


  1. 1. That kiss made me a little nauseous
    2. Please save those on your dvr I am coming over and watching
    3. Not even KISSING..I'm with you...hell nawwwww

  2. This show sounds like a "should not miss" I am setting my DVR right now! Thanks for the free chuckles.
