Most of the people who I am close with know that I watch a lot of TV. A Lot. With the miracle that is DVR in my life, I am able to watch so much more crap than I used to. It really is amazing. I watch a lot of reality TV shows but also some comedies and dramas. And although I watch a lot of current TV shows, there are some oldies that I still wish would air somewhere in re-runs. I thank my lucky stars that Soap Network airs
Gilmore Girls,
90210, and
One Tree Hill, TV Guide channel has
The Hills, ABC Family has
Full House, and Oxygen has
Roseanne. And obviously the old hits like
Everybody Loves Raymond,
Sex and The City,
Saved by the Bell, and
Friends are syndicated on many other networks. Even that newish channel, The Hub, shows
Doogie Howser, Family Ties, and
Wonder Years. These are great for rainy days or days when I actually have nothing on DVR. (I am abnormally anal about clearing it quite fast so this does happen.) And if all else fails and nothing I want to watch is on, I am sure there is an episode of
Law and Order on somewhere. However, there are some shows that I still really miss and wish I could watch again. Maybe someone in the TV biz will read this and pick them up. (Severely doubtful, but worth a try.) Anyway, below are some shows that I really wish would air again.
Dawson's Creek We all hear the name of this show and automatically think of the opening credit song. "I don't wanna wait...for our lives to be over...". Well I don't want to wait anymore to watch some of these episodes again. P.S. I was always a Pacey girl. Dawson was too neurotic and effeminate for me.

The Wire I didn't watch this when it was on TV because I couldn't afford HBO, but a friend had the entire series on DVD and lent it to me. I couldn't stop watching it once I saw episode one. I actually felt lucky that I could watch so many episodes in a row and didn't watch it when it was on and have to wait until the following week to see what would happen next. This show was drug in itself and I couldn't get enough. It didn't hurt that Stringer Bell was one sexy man. Damn.
Laguna Beach. Don't judge. But I loved this show. And it actually launched a lot of careers (as well as wanna be celebrities). I am a Lauren Conrad fan. She seems to have very little personality but is a beautiful girl who obviously had enough good sense to turn her reality TV fame into a successful clothing line, book series (yes, I have read them all and enjoyed them), and has managed to stay out of the tabloids with negative publicity. Laguna also had a very popular opening credit song.

Friday Night Lights. I know this series just ended, but seriously, it was the best show on TV. You didn't have to be a sports fan to enjoy this show. It had the sports, the drama, and excellent acting as well. I mean, in what other show can you have a crush on both the high school football coach and the starting quarterback of the team?
Honorable mentions: Just the Ten of Us, Early seasons of the Real World and Road Rules, Mad About You, Picket Fences, Everwood, Murphy Brown, My Two Dads, and Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica.
There are many more honorable mentions that I could have listed but didn't want to risk embarrassing myself further by my choices. I suppose I could go out and buy some of these complete series collections in DVD, but what's the fun in that? I mean, I own the SATC series and still insist on watching it on TV all the time and same with seasons 1-3 of 90210. So if anyone out there with some real power is reading this, please, please, please make these happen.
I hope my comment works this time (this is from Keagan)! I don't get the part about selecting what I'm "Commenting as," and my comment wouldn't post until I finally selected Anonymous. Anyway, I can't believe how many tv shows you watch! I had to let you know that Steve has the entire Dawson's Creek DVD series, so if you ever want to borrow it, I can probably send it to NY with Carolyn. He used to be obsessed with that show. I guess that's one thing you two have in common :).