Friday, November 4, 2011

Fake Commercial, Fake Commercial

Saturday Night Live is usually known for their sketch characters and the skits they are in. It's kind of pathetic that I know this fact, but usually after the host comes out and does his/her monologue, their is is a fake commercial. You sit there for a second and think "wait, is this real?" until you recognize one or a few of the cast members in the commercial and realize how ridiculous this commercial actually is. I still remember watching SNL with my mom on the couch Sunday mornings and when the fake commercial came on, we always got so excited. We'd be "ooh ooh fake commercial...fake commercial" and brace ourselves for laughter. I still think that to myself this day when I see one. Below I have listed my top six favorite SNL commercials.

1. Schmitts Gay Buff men in Speedos. I'll take it. Even if they do like other men.

2. Homocil Aw. You don't need a pill, just some tolerance. Take it until you come around. Check out this commercial.

3. Oooops, I Crapped my Pants  Every time I have a Colitis flare-up I wish I had these. No joke.
4. Mom Jeans. "You're not a woman anymore, you're a mom." Thankfully, none of the moms I know would be caught dead in these bad boys. For some reason, YouTube took the video down, so click HERE to view.

5. Peyton Manning for United Way. See, athletes can be funny too!

And one for good luck: The Shake Weight DVD. Ok, so this fake commercial is mocking a real product and is probably one of the funniest. It's that damn girl in the pink shirt. She's in on it.

Obviously all of these are ridiculous and would never get anyone to think they were actually real. SNL needs to start stepping up their game again because their fake commercials lately have been lacking. At least I can hold onto these memories of laughing on the couch with my mom and also be grateful that she doesn't own a single pair of mom jeans. Phew.

1 comment:

  1. Last night was a great fake commercial...Kardashian's fairy tale divorce....Good one! You continue to be entertaining!
