Thursday, September 29, 2011

You aren't THAT important

I love my cell phone. It's the only phone I have (no land line for this gal) and it's like an extra appendage on my body. I feel naked without it. And I know I am not the only one that has this feeling about their phone. I am on constantly using my phone but rarely making actual phone calls on it unless it's my parents, grandparents, a doctor, or something too long or important to text. Additionally I pride myself in being an excellent multi-tasker with my phone and the people around me. I can walk and talk/text without slowing down my pace and even though it's kind of (ok,very) rude, I can talk to one friend in person and text another if need be. I understand we are all busy people with busy lives, but there are a few bad cell phone habits that absolutely drive me INSANE.

 1) Talking on your phone at the gym. When I am working out, it's my escape. A time to release the stress or extra energy I have and just listen to music and do my thang. When I go to the gym, my phone stays in my locker. And even though I work out with head phones on, there is nothing more annoying to me at the gym than seeing someone near me on the treadmill/elliptical/bike yapping away on their cell phones. They are usually talking really loud and even with my headphones on, I can usually hear them. It takes me out of focus of MY workout and I just want to push them off their machines. I visualize myself doing that and it makes me feel better for a second, but usually I just shoot them dirty looks or just move machines. Passive aggressiveness, party of one. 

2) Talking on your phone on public transportation. I am grateful that cellphones don't work on the subway unless they are obviously above ground so this usually is a non-issue on the train. But on the bus, this can sometimes be quite obnoxious. The buses can be more crowded than the train and no one wants to hear your conversation about that chick you banged last night or how your nanny can't work Tuesday so you can get a mani/pedi/massage. Boo-freaking-hoo. I don't care. Neither do the other 40 people packed on here. Wait until you get off the bus with that shit. Thanks so much!

3) Having a filled voicemail inbox. I am sorry, but no one is so important that they have that many voicemails. No one. Check them while walking down the street, while waiting for the bus, heck, even check them on the toilet. I am hoping you aren't talking while pooping (even though I do it all the time!), but that is a wonderful time to listen and delete those VM's. Ooohhh, get rid of those VM's while you BM. Hahahaha. I am just too funny. But seriously, clear that inbox. It's super aggravating and I don't want to call you again later.

Honorable mentions: People who can't multi-task while on the phone (They slow their pace while walking and texting/talking/searching the web. If you can't keep up, wait to do what you need to or pull over) and people who initiate a text, you reply with a question, and then they disappear. Weren't you the one who just texted me? It wasn't the other way around so where did you go?

If we are friends, I would hope that you do not exhibit any of these bad habits. They are annoying. In a world where cell phones have become a part of us, and something that we rely on, we must remember that they don't belong everywhere and its good to take a break once and a while.  But don't take too long of a break that your VM fills up!

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